
The American Political Suicide.

The question is, who is pushing the United States to commit an international suicide? Considering the corrupt politicians, and the controlled Zionist's media who have committed despicable prejudiced crimes against humanity logistically, politically and financially supporting the Zionist's total destruction of Gaza, victimizing the million innocent Palestinian population. Genocides, men's raping children's snuffing for sport and pleasure. Adding to international uproar, protests flourishing throughout world capitals, screaming for a cease fire, and justice! Strangely Donald Trump is engaged in ethnic cleansings? The corrupt opportunist's greedy cheap politicians are accommodating the Zionist's whims, savagery, of apartheid's aggressions, expansionism, and Barbarian mayhem in the occupied Palestine. Coupled by the controlled-Zionist's interest's media of deception, and fake news. An American predicament of a blackmailed weakness p...

Algeria is a Giant. You like it or not!

Stop and cease character assassination of a proud surging from years of struggle with the created obstacles, and the difficult hurdles encountered by the Algerian nation in its journey to freedom and Independence marked by millions who sacrificed for its liberty, pride and Independence. Then when the United Nations general assembly sided with the French Barbarian ugly occupation, and abuse of the Algerians by a criminal fascist's savagery in a no man's land. Today; Algeria's position is crystal clear, concerning all pertaining civil societal political positions, based on egalitarian principles of governance at home. Algeria has shown its adherence to and respect for International law following the United Nations charter. What else do you need to know, or what do you want from Algeria, and its prouder citizens? Let this declaration be a warning, and a law-abiding statement in all fairness, and civility. 1). Algeria's place in world affairs, is based on its e...

The Purpose of bad Propaganda

The Jewish Israeli Spokesman said. "All non-Jews are here to serve the Jews as their slaves, according to the Jewish religion of the chosen ones!'' The question is why the Israeli Jews, are so adamantly arrogant, and why they do not fear International condemnation for their displayed atrocious Barbaric behaviour, of a guilty accused outlaw criminal entity!? As long as The conspirator's supporters, the powerful bloody shadows operators, are unknown working behind the scenes not exposed by investigative journalists, and are pursued legally by International courts of justice, the criminal Lunatic Jews in Israel will continue to disrespect the common sense, the laws, as we have witnessed, they transgress savagely at ease, with full speed and a grave surpassing Nazi era's cruel magnitude! The Israelis are under the impression of owning all the corrupt decision-makers, and the media around the globe, when boosting their crimes arrogantly! They assume to b...

Should Trump pardon Edward Snowden?

Edward Snowden. In my opinion, he's the perfect example of the American spirit. He behaved as a sincere and honest American confronted with a corrupt set of shameful administrative systems, and hurtful procedures. As a good citizen, Edward Snowden reacted, and did what every law-abiding citizen would do normally, to avert harm to others, and the nation! Except in this sanctioned dark particular secretive operation, of conspirators the culprits, who are exploiting the system for their ends, who we call politicians by habit. The role played by a brave citizen was too dangerous for the corrupt's exposure. They are Guilty of many kept secrets conspiracy to commit, and execute their policies of the above law. The important criminals from Obama's, Bush, Clinton/wife team Dick Chenny, Ramsfield, the water gate, the Pizzagate, and all hell gates guardians conspired to silence the media and the American conscience. Edward Snowden should be awarded by the good people of our na...

The World Vs the Neocons/Fascists/Zionists-Accomplices.

If a war breaks out with China? We will all lose our comforting life's qualities somehow. The world as we know it today will change dramatically in all of its aspects. Good and drastic changes will impose themselves on the human race and societies worldwide. New ECONOMIC realities will be renegotiated, forcing the United States to abide by the rules of the world majority. For instance, all dictatorships will be reversed due to the need for adjustments. The economic superiority enjoyed by the American hegemony advantages; will be eradicated by the shared interests of common participating partners, who would be asking for compensation, justice, and damages. The new paradigm. Will be much better than what we have been used to as a meaningless pigeon-exploited, undeserving workforce. The present fascist's conduct, and stands of a few above-law criminal dictators, be forced and challenged to change by the will of all concerned players. A blank check p...

The Introduction to My Open Book.

"Cowardice." Subject Will be my next meditative essay. I enjoy delving into the fascinating challenge of communicating by writing my complimenting thoughts attached to issues, observations, and my proper feelings, hoping to find equal understanding and the satisfaction of doing what is right in our complicated times. This addiction of mine is my identity as a thirsty seeker, which earned me many friends and foes. Judging by merits of mastery, perseverance, importance and quality. I wrote my first comedy play at the age of 7, or 70 years ago. Now, as I remember as I reflect my childhood friends were pleased, loved it, and we laughed as I drew a great satisfaction and immense pleasure of that childish enjoyment contribution in our hard times as orphans without many basics, having fun and the chance to laugh was the greatest gift at the time. Except for one grown-up man Mr. Jabran, who hated me because of his incompetence and jealousy. Showed us displeasure, and firmn...

Shadows in the Dark

Shadow in the Dark. By Richard Azzouz. I dedicate this poem to the Palestinian people. I have nothing to offer but my song. Mine, which I own, inherited the heavy weight of a head in the clouds. Since I don't remember when? My head is cloudy, and my heart pains me. Since a long time ago. All that I know is this song, since I forgot exactly when in a clouded memory by a catastrophic tragedy called Noukba of 48 when they killed the olive trees, burning and blasted my home, my village massacring the elderly like shooting fish in a barrel, poisoning the water. And since when? I have had these unsettling feelings or maybe a melody that I call my song. I still remember, the pain well. Blistered feet walking on hard rocks to no apparent set destination, exhausting exodus, walking for life from one camp to another, refugee song of limbo without knowing when to leave, or to where? All I know is we were chased, or kicked out what difference it makes from our h...