Should Trump pardon Edward Snowden?
Edward Snowden. In my opinion, he's the perfect example of the American spirit. He behaved as a sincere and honest American confronted with a corrupt set of shameful administrative systems, and hurtful procedures. As a good citizen, Edward Snowden reacted, and did what every law-abiding citizen would do normally, to avert harm to others, and the nation! Except in this sanctioned dark particular secretive operation, of conspirators the culprits, who are exploiting the system for their ends, who we call politicians by habit. The role played by a brave citizen was too dangerous for the corrupt's exposure.
They are Guilty of many kept secrets conspiracy to commit, and execute their policies of the above law.
The important criminals from Obama's, Bush, Clinton/wife team Dick Chenny, Ramsfield, the water gate, the Pizzagate, and all hell gates guardians conspired to silence the media and the American conscience. Edward Snowden should be awarded by the good people of our nation, not prosecuted by the fascist power abusers!
The lesson in this national debate must be about America's national interests. Rather, than focusing on the conscientious American whistleblower who has exposed the transvistite's bedoire, red nights of perverts deceivers drank on power, and abuse.
Free the man, and open a deep investigation into who was behind it, and why.
We deserve to know. Thank you, for the initiative Brother Elon.
Richard Azzouz 2/13/25. Florida.
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