The World Vs the Neocons/Fascists/Zionists-Accomplices.
If a war breaks out with China?
We will all lose our comforting life's qualities somehow.
The world as we know it today will change dramatically in all of its aspects. Good and drastic changes will impose themselves on the human race and societies worldwide.
New ECONOMIC realities will be renegotiated, forcing the United States to abide by the rules of the world majority. For instance, all dictatorships will be reversed due to the need for adjustments.
The economic superiority enjoyed by the American hegemony advantages; will be eradicated by the shared interests of common participating partners, who would be asking for compensation, justice, and damages.
The new paradigm.
Will be much better than what we have been used to as a meaningless pigeon-exploited, undeserving workforce.
The present fascist's conduct, and stands of a few above-law criminal dictators, be forced and challenged to change by the will of all concerned players. A blank check period has expired due to the revolting abuses of the few fascist's documented crimes against humanity.
Yesterday was based on WW2's results. Tomorrow will be based on the new atomic war resolutions! Fuck it!
On a Personnel level, anything is better than where we are now, a world under the control of genocidal white trash racists, the STUPID-VICIOUS NEOCONS!
In my opinion, the fat cat will lose to the organized confrontational underdog's unity front. The challengers have many favourable assets at their sides, economically they have made a big dent in the velocity of the Dollar's rates of exchange, for a starter. The trembling fat cat is uncertain of his new predicament, yet he's bluffing when measured and challenged.
The underdog has learned from deceptive experience, now he has organized flotillas, erected countermeasures, anti-aircraft missiles, large armies, modernized navy, and politically trained interlocutors and diplomats.
Changed reality, face and strategy of a demanding strong fortified foe is a serious new opponent coming to knock on your door!
From his fortified base observes, and interacts with changing waves, he waits for the right time to strike and deal a mortal blow by paralyzing the neighbourhood's thug's economic reliability, and crippling its strength.
I assure you our world sympathy will not be with the genocidal accomplice's reputation that is for sure, the European's colonial cruelty and its harsh residues are still felt in Africa, and Asia today.
Nor will the world's majority support the prevailing toxic American foreign policies of warmongers, hypocritical accomplices of slavery, terrorism, coups d'Eats, unnecessary horrors of unjustified wars and corrupt criminal-dictatorships supporters.
"No more Slavery you all!"
In conclusion; We must understand what we are doing to prevent a dangerous avalanche coupled with a tsunami motivated by a high-risk explosive Earthquake of great magnitude, like the one created, and displayed in Gaza by the same criminal evildoers, and opportunism of greedy hypocrites-Demons. What, are not doing ENOUGH to better our lives in fairly respectable equal terms of responsibility, respectability, honour, fairness, decency, and justice for all? If we must live in peace and harmony on the planet or flat Earth's existence! By the way, Are we some sort, of violent apes?
Power to the people. Justice for all. No justice no peace!
Major GS12 Richard Azzouz.
The Defacto Challenger Presidential Candidate of Numedii, present-day Morocco. 2/12/25. Florida.
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