The Introduction to My Open Book.
"Cowardice." Subject Will be my next meditative essay. I enjoy delving into the fascinating challenge of communicating by writing my complimenting thoughts attached to issues, observations, and my proper feelings, hoping to find equal understanding and the satisfaction of doing what is right in our complicated times. This addiction of mine is my identity as a thirsty seeker, which earned me many friends and foes. Judging by merits of mastery, perseverance, importance and quality. I wrote my first comedy play at the age of 7, or 70 years ago.
Now, as I remember as I reflect my childhood friends were pleased, loved it, and we laughed as I drew a great satisfaction and immense pleasure of that childish enjoyment contribution in our hard times as orphans without many basics, having fun and the chance to laugh was the greatest gift at the time.
Except for one grown-up man Mr. Jabran, who hated me because of his incompetence and jealousy.
Showed us displeasure, and firmness. Despising my constitution, objecting to our happiness, and my right to be mentally imaginative freethinker.
Later I discovered his motives of a primitives controlling fanaticism and his egoist displeasure with our unifying shared happiness,the entertained though of our own children's world, original createativity, tormanted his little outdated obssessed brain.
In a society influenced by religious antiquities,slavery, and backwardness.
My first attempt in writing about my compulsive critical imaginary obsessions provoked an opposition in this strange man's mental psychology.
Creating, reading writing, expressing freely in a free world full of great soul's footsteps, and continuity is forbidden in certain dark regions of our world today! The difficult hurdles, the obstacle, the dark side, the negative vibe, the taboo.
In a world dominated by the idea, the concept, or the importance of issues at hand is a lucrative science. Defying evolutions and achievements of Nations. In contrast to the monotonous traced norm of an occultist deceptive theory presented as modern perceived and presented as sound national or sociable conduct, and narrated equally sublimely loyal and a correct disposition, respecting sentiments, and feeling, based on the grassroots of all popular historical fables, and religions. My advantage in the field of memory, or recollections and residues is due to my love for languages, but my secretive advantage is the benefit of "Tefenagh. Amazigh ancient language, and my background as a Haouari. From Haouara.
French occupation, and schools of indoctrination of the French/Africans, as in the North African's education during certain time of the colonialist's occupation transational effects, and objectives. Episodes of differentiating between the encountered subjects behavior, and motives enriched my competitive faculty, zeal and made me a dangerously revolted strong man, in the face of difficult circumstances, I had to hustle, think, out think the adverse reactions, winning was an objective in a world where a second place doesn't exist, either you win or you lose! A molded condition reality earned me respect of many, and the opposition of a few, who feared my resolves, and vengeance.
remanece also, in many glorious, and dangerous stands, gambeles, and dares, I recall many opposing difficulties on the way, as I remember many victories, big-fights championships as I have trusted in a divine energy, and my loved ones, and my protector Angeles. To have been in love with the most beautifully discribed girls, the flowers in my life, the tast of feezing Champian, the kiss of leapce, and that hung of satisfaction by the wormth of the beloved vibrating hot reaction between the positive and the negative frictions, provoking the ultimate maddening lust for more. An exciting electrifying desirable sexul addiction of wanting and a must in deed. My relations remain satisfactory in a memory of a lover, artist and a poet, lucky to have the fortunate possibilities, and the satisfaction. I guess I have just wrote my book's introduction.
on 2/9/25.Thank you.
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