Algeria is a Giant. You like it or not!

Stop and cease character assassination of a proud surging from years of struggle with the created obstacles, and the difficult hurdles encountered by the Algerian nation in its journey to freedom and Independence marked by millions who sacrificed for its liberty, pride and Independence. Then when the United Nations general assembly sided with the French Barbarian ugly occupation, and abuse of the Algerians by a criminal fascist's savagery in a no man's land. Today; Algeria's position is crystal clear, concerning all pertaining civil societal political positions, based on egalitarian principles of governance at home. Algeria has shown its adherence to and respect for International law following the United Nations charter. What else do you need to know, or what do you want from Algeria, and its prouder citizens? Let this declaration be a warning, and a law-abiding statement in all fairness, and civility. 1). Algeria's place in world affairs, is based on its ethnicity's roots. 2). Geographical location neighbouring many nations, connecting the African continent's commerce with the old fading Europe. Algeria's library contains volumes of unsurpassed historical chivalry of its warriors, thinkers and philosophers, brave Sea captains, and mind-bugging exploits of men of renown. The accumulated experience of a politically imposing respectable partner amongst the ancient European Kingdoms of Princes, Queens, Vatican Pirates, and slaves as time passed. Thus. Algeria should not be confused with Morocco in any point of view whatsoever! Or should a flagrant error of misunderstanding be permitted or allowed to pass without encountering legal measures, and reparations when it comes down to the political travesty of the criminal slavers of yesterday disguised as politicians, deceiving influencers or evil intended intentions of painting Algeria's efforts in a corner. The good-natured Algerians are not your average, they are a proud people strafing to do good! The Algerian culture had played a big role historically they influenced the Spartans, Greek religions, Roman Emperors, and European societies. Stop it! In short, I suggest stopping switching facts, in this propaganda war of the left-out jealous opportunist's controllers manipulators, the terrorist's supporter's agenda of expansionism, victimization, and divides. Cease messing with Algeria's historical reputation, political revolutionary evolution results, and astonishing economic success and achievements. If you have free rein in the capitalistic propaganda tools of the Neocon-deep state's media of deception's influence with fake news, the expressed poison of harmful sabotage, propaganda of the bloody delusional oblivious to the practised harmful lies of warmongers evil-worshipers Satanists. Reminding the idiotic lunatic prehistoric fanatic schoolboy enemy, or its coward racist soldiers, or its paedophile philosophers elitists, of our due diligence in defending our heritage and our untarnished reputation by all means possible! Now you are measured and warned. Richard BENAZZOUZ Haouari .GS12 Major Linguist USA Army. Filmmaker, Journalist. Human Rights advocate. 2/16/25. Florida.


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