The Purpose of bad Propaganda
The Jewish Israeli Spokesman said. "All non-Jews are here to serve the Jews as their slaves, according to the Jewish religion of the chosen ones!''
The question is why the Israeli Jews, are so adamantly arrogant, and why they do not fear International condemnation for their displayed atrocious Barbaric behaviour, of a guilty accused outlaw criminal entity!?
As long as The conspirator's supporters, the powerful bloody shadows operators, are unknown working behind the scenes not exposed by investigative journalists, and are pursued legally by International courts of justice, the criminal Lunatic Jews in Israel will continue to disrespect the common sense, the laws, as we have witnessed, they transgress savagely at ease, with full speed and a grave surpassing Nazi era's cruel magnitude!
The Israelis are under the impression of owning all the corrupt decision-makers, and the media around the globe, when boosting their crimes arrogantly!
They assume to be right and unchallenged in every terrorist act, decision or action no matter what! My understanding of this era. They are in the wrong for what they have done in the occupied Palestine. They are wrong to think that history will not come to hunt them for justice, they are criminally wrong and unwise for not considering the basics. Because they gambled on corruption, intimidation and falsehood to get ahead dominate and expand, in a volatile neighbourhood.
There will be blood, no peace, and suffering for years to come in the Middle East because of the European Jews' criminal invader's crimes and deliberate documented mayhem, genocides, instructions, starvation, and the apartheid's crimes, and abuses by an alien race's stupidity!
Richard Azzouz Haouari. GS12 US Army; Linguist Major. Filmmaker. Journalist. Human Rights advocate. Activist. 2/15/25.
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