
Showing posts from April, 2024

The Zionist's Crimes Against Humanity!

Richard Azzouz Hawari. The complicated deceitful Zionist's agendas is not that easy or to understand, or to clearly define it's intended greedy Demonic dominating concepts. Since the bloody Zionists have intended to falsify everything under the Sun, and to lay blame by play the anti-Semitic cards, to deflect responsibilities of their computational deceits, and their chronologically repeated curse, without going into lengthy details of their bandage in Egypt, and the cause of Abraham. Bolsheviks crimes against humanity, to the sabotage of German economy, and society, the rise of the Nazi's party, or the Crystal night and its devastating effects of an angered mob of enraged victims of accumulated wrongs by deceptions of greedy evil intentions of conspiracies. The guilty criminal's deceiver's intentions, and their cardinal treasons of the German society, remains obscure, and unchallenged, nor criticized or analyzed by the same players who are supporti...

Algeria Vs Morocco, oh Dear?

By the Presidency Candidate. Mr. Azzouz Hawari. Do not give the opportunity, nor North Africa to the Zionists! If we are free men? We should fight the enemy within for our sacred ethnicity's rights and establish our rights to our land! Our objectives and demands should be, based on human rights, and equality to participate, to live in peace, dignity, and equality of a truly democratic process, afforded by a genius popular Republic, such as the revolutionary Algerian democratic system, and to prosper in our land of North Africa united, not a divided weakened society. Our educated multi-ethnicity should be our rich strength, rather than an illiterate slavery dictatorship. Without involving the Zionists and their hypocrites' Moroccan fanatic-slavers I hope you understand my leadership strength, sincerity, and wisdom! Thank you. Mr. R.B. Azzouz Hawari. Presidency Candidate. 4/21/24. Florida. The USA. Algeria is Free, a young challenging gusto of equality, and a Nobel...

Free America from its demons

R. B Azzouz Hawari. American reputation is sinking by the minutes, and into the abyss of history, down below Idi Amine Dadda, Hitler, mousseline, and the Draconian cruelty of the British, and the French/Belgium tyrannical apartheidic slavery colonies, in the league of the undesirables non grata. By the Republic people of China, and the entire world majority. The weight of such tragic condemnation will be a heavy hovering dark cloud over the American values, and conscience for years to come. A negative hindrance stain to remain the naive pro Zionist's politicians next time, when they hypocritically pretend to champion human rights, or to vocalize the words justice, humanity, civility or dignity, just forget about honor, or respect, kindness, and valor! Or even the American place amongst progressists democratic nations! American reputation is sinking by the minutes, and into the abyss of history, down below Idi Amine Dadda, Hitler, mousseline, and the Draconian cruelty of...

Algeria, the New regional Power.

R. Azzouz Hawari. We have witnessed many important game changing events worldwide. Either positive or negative effect tracing their advancements of downfalls! Yet the bastards in the helms of the legendary corrupt media outlets of waste, and childish gossips, would want us to believe otherwise! We have witnessed, as it is apparently clear, the downfall of the Zionist's portrayed resilience and superiority in their hell of Gaza for 6 months of massacring, in an unprecedented genocidal fashion. A gravity of an astonishing demonic atrocity, against the isolated civilian population under a false pretext '' Of fighting a declared Hamas, a terrorist's organization." Dehumanizing the Palestinians right to self-defense, a state, and a sovereignty! Under 75 years in hell of a savage Barbaric Zionist's apartheidic occupation. While the so-called Arab's dictators are breaking bottles and pouring liquids in celebrations in Tel Aviv, living it up, sharing, and...

American Enemy within.

Richard B Azzouz Hawari. GS12. When societal trash overwhelms the surface of its cities, minds, jails, entertainment, and academia, the stanch of its repulsive suffocating treacheries odors becomes intolerable. By a natural instinct only few souls would object to the unsupportable criminal behaviors, and its Slavery containment, or the ensuing abject dictatorial attitudes conditions. imposed manipulative course of a corrupt criminal organization's Satanism endeavors. When cries for justice, are heard coming out from many affected quarters yet the deaf corrupt, and the naive newcomers would oppose any minute's changes to their misery under a dictated course towards a total destruction! The virgin American society, and its constitutional values, is under an unprecedented attack by the expert's witchcraft Satanist's saboteurs, the self-serving elements of all sorts and levels pedophile's clubs of elitists, warmongers, and corrupt Bankers. The same co...

History of Moroccan Savagery.

Richard Azzouz Hawari. History of a Zionist family ''La Lej." Pretending to be holy Muslims in Fes, in one of their excursions with their imported African slaves from Gana, Senegal, Mali, Sudan, Tawaregue, and central African slaves. Pictured here displaying their trophies of beheaded Berber's shopped heads in the spikes of slaves, with mules charged with evidence of historical savagery of this same criminal slavery family of horrors, and corruption. A ruling by the horror of displayed sadistic mounted heads preserved in salt for a long duration of horrific showing hanging on the wall of their Jewish city of Fes. In their brutal barbaric raids to subdue the autochthones, Berber, by confiscating their lands and properties, women, and children. If they resist, they behead the poor vanquished victims of an invading tyrannical slavery brutality, by the Draconian monstrosity. Ostensibly in the name of the so-called Chérifien's. When their savage methods failed un...

You have been lied to!

Richard Azzouz Hawari The majority of these Jews in Israhell, poses a multitude of citizenships, homes abroad where they live comfortably, yet they have opted to challenge the poor isolated needy Palestinian's rights to a decent living standard!? Obviously, they are motivated by greed, and cruelty. Greedy for taking their victim's rights to a normal life, and peaceful existence. Cruelty for the level of a demonic show of a savage bloody bestiality, in persisting contentment, massacring an entire nation of Palestinians for 75 consecutive bloody years of a brutal tyrannical Dacorian's reign of horrors. While the turmoil of wars, and disputes, revolutions and changes have changed world's views, attitudes and sentiments. Today, the bloody Zionist won't concede to the new apparent reality, yet they persist in their old antiquity of rabid dogs running in cercles fighting their tails! What a spectacle in a circus of midgets run by enraged blind dogs in Washingto...

Philistine's ownership?

Richard Azzouz Hawari. I don't know if I'm living in a world of the living or if I Am in oblivion lost in the clouds when it comes to understanding, or logically thinking of settling the savage occupation of Palestine!? The Jews claim to be chosen by God, yet they don't believe in God's concept! They claimed the land of milk and honey, was a gift of God to the Jews? Yet they ignore the rights of the Philistine's ownership to the same land of milk and honey! But when you present them with a constructive argument of the legitimate ownership legality and the Palestinian's right of ownership to the same disputed Palestine of massacres, genocides, and ethnic cleansings, they come back at you with ridiculous notions, and pretenses to deny their own basic Devine right of piracy translated to the argument of ownership of the land and property owned by the exiled living Palestine people, who are fighting for their legal ownership to the land described by the greed...