Free America from its demons

R. B Azzouz Hawari.
American reputation is sinking by the minutes, and into the abyss of history, down below Idi Amine Dadda, Hitler, mousseline, and the Draconian cruelty of the British, and the French/Belgium tyrannical apartheidic slavery colonies, in the league of the undesirables non grata. By the Republic people of China, and the entire world majority. The weight of such tragic condemnation will be a heavy hovering dark cloud over the American values, and conscience for years to come. A negative hindrance stain to remain the naive pro Zionist's politicians next time, when they hypocritically pretend to champion human rights, or to vocalize the words justice, humanity, civility or dignity, just forget about honor, or respect, kindness, and valor! Or even the American place amongst progressists democratic nations! American reputation is sinking by the minutes, and into the abyss of history, down below Idi Amine Dadda, Hitler, mousseline, and the Draconian cruelty of the British, and the French/Belgium tyrannical apartheidic slavery colonies, in the league of the undesirables non grata. Time warped idiotic clumsy Thugs. American flagrant complicities, in supporting the criminal apartheid Zionists gang, financially, morally fore over 75 years of a demonic sadistic cruelty occupation, at the expenses of poor needy American's basic needs. A dangerous political path considered by all standards as a national treason.
Starving, massacring of innocent Palestinian's children, and civilians, will not be easily forgotten, nor pardoned by world community! Siding with war criminal's fascists expansionists Zionists, and corrupt Arab criminal dictators, for greedy objectives, have all but distinguished your demonic hypocritical double-faced evil doers', warmongers fascists psychopath's ridiculous idiots! Free America from its demons


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