The Zionist's Crimes Against Humanity!

Richard Azzouz Hawari.
The complicated deceitful Zionist's agendas is not that easy or to understand, or to clearly define it's intended greedy Demonic dominating concepts. Since the bloody Zionists have intended to falsify everything under the Sun, and to lay blame by play the anti-Semitic cards, to deflect responsibilities of their computational deceits, and their chronologically repeated curse, without going into lengthy details of their bandage in Egypt, and the cause of Abraham. Bolsheviks crimes against humanity, to the sabotage of German economy, and society, the rise of the Nazi's party, or the Crystal night and its devastating effects of an angered mob of enraged victims of accumulated wrongs by deceptions of greedy evil intentions of conspiracies. The guilty criminal's deceiver's intentions, and their cardinal treasons of the German society, remains obscure, and unchallenged, nor criticized or analyzed by the same players who are supporting genocides, and children's killers today! Their greed and expansionism has blinded their common sense, and reason, since they stand to gain wealth, and power from the Zionist's aggressions, and the desert's rich minerals, and it's British, and French tamed Arab's tribe's dictatorships of slavers, and slaves! The demise, and the key rests in database, communication, and the wronged victim's awakenings. The rise in universities campuses, and the outspoken free Nations, demanding redress, and just solutions. A new global concept of awareness in our daily witnessed bloody criminal, Barbarian and demonic Satanism have revolted our sense, and sickened humanity! In the events where the guilty accused, is in agreement with the human race, and sense the vile crimes are unpardonable, and the solution is a sever action by the justice if we have any remorse?
The simplicity of viewing a natural course of understanding, and reactions to what is perceived normal, just and logical! Theirs is a twist, a con, and a dishonest satanist's perjury lies. Unfortunately, many have joined in the greed train. The financial club's history are the feeding grounds of the irrational deceptive game. Materials, wealth, and power by deceits. In conclusion, if we seek peace we must honor justice! Mr. Richard Azzouz, the candidate to the Moroccan Republic Presidency. Florida. 4/28/2024.


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