Algeria, the New regional Power.

R. Azzouz Hawari.
We have witnessed many important game changing events worldwide. Either positive or negative effect tracing their advancements of downfalls! Yet the bastards in the helms of the legendary corrupt media outlets of waste, and childish gossips, would want us to believe otherwise! We have witnessed, as it is apparently clear, the downfall of the Zionist's portrayed resilience and superiority in their hell of Gaza for 6 months of massacring, in an unprecedented genocidal fashion. A gravity of an astonishing demonic atrocity, against the isolated civilian population under a false pretext '' Of fighting a declared Hamas, a terrorist's organization." Dehumanizing the Palestinians right to self-defense, a state, and a sovereignty! Under 75 years in hell of a savage Barbaric Zionist's apartheidic occupation.
While the so-called Arab's dictators are breaking bottles and pouring liquids in celebrations in Tel Aviv, living it up, sharing, and stashing the loots of natural resources from the desert's Bedouins land. Today we have come to understand their driving objectives. The resources under the Palestinian's land, is driving the Bankers around the world mad with the fever of possessing all, without efforts nor regards. The Downfall of another stupid naive giant, in his castle of glass up in the hill of what is the district of Columbia, the commonwealth's siege.
Sneered in a hock by the crocs. Drowning in its own demise, and the naivety to trust and to bite the forbidden fruit. Enough of bad news. You get what you give, and so is the Karmic justice. Which bring us to a new submerging society. Algeria is a country with the best interests of its population at heart. Despite the harsh history of its French Jacobite's savage occupation, martyrdoms and victory over the entire slavery world of fascists warmongers! History supports my sentiments, and the truth of these matters, and I have no respect for the hypocrites' criminals, the self-serving lying agents-bastards.
The fascist's world of Bankers, and their Zionist's demining slavery inclination have ben propagating slavery by dehumanizing their opposition. The same old game of the opportunist's Satanists provocateurs who are constantly fishing for a new goalball victim. In Algeria they meet a wall of strong believers in the Algerian Revolution of the equals! The Algerian historical struggle of its people's advancement was not a child play, like some slavery brothel next door. But rather a flourishing garden irrigated with its brave's pure honorable blood of martyrdom! Thus, the Satanists Zionists find it too hard to crack that strong psychological defense wall.
They have tried with drugs, corruptions, propaganda to no end, and still defeated by the composition and the history of the great Algeria. The bloody satanist enemy is a determined expansionist, blind and stubborn to understand the valor of honor, and dignity! The enemy is slavery, and the prevailing brutality of dictatorships gangs of criminal coward-pirates. The enemy of humanity.


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