Philistine's ownership?

Richard Azzouz Hawari.
I don't know if I'm living in a world of the living or if I Am in oblivion lost in the clouds when it comes to understanding, or logically thinking of settling the savage occupation of Palestine!? The Jews claim to be chosen by God, yet they don't believe in God's concept! They claimed the land of milk and honey, was a gift of God to the Jews? Yet they ignore the rights of the Philistine's ownership to the same land of milk and honey! But when you present them with a constructive argument of the legitimate ownership legality and the Palestinian's right of ownership to the same disputed Palestine of massacres, genocides, and ethnic cleansings, they come back at you with ridiculous notions, and pretenses to deny their own basic Devine right of piracy translated to the argument of ownership of the land and property owned by the exiled living Palestine people, who are fighting for their legal ownership to the land described by the greedy violent racist bloody-Jewish God, for its milk and honey!? It seems to me, that the bloody invading terrorists' aggressors are corrupt lunatics in persisting to be demonic terrorists void of common sense or humanity. Beating on the coverage of corrupt media, and charlatan's politicians. Falsehood and bad intentions that will not last forever in a fast-changing world. Nations are empowered by the reputations of their best men. When infamy awaits the brutal satanists chosen ones, and their imaginary God.
They will go to extremes to deny the truth and to refute evidence! They are called "the Zionist saboteurs, the criminal Bolsheviks, children's killers, or SANGUNARIENS."


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