Algeria Vs Morocco, oh Dear?

By the Presidency Candidate. Mr. Azzouz Hawari.
Do not give the opportunity, nor North Africa to the Zionists! If we are free men? We should fight the enemy within for our sacred ethnicity's rights and establish our rights to our land! Our objectives and demands should be, based on human rights, and equality to participate, to live in peace, dignity, and equality of a truly democratic process, afforded by a genius popular Republic, such as the revolutionary Algerian democratic system, and to prosper in our land of North Africa united, not a divided weakened society. Our educated multi-ethnicity should be our rich strength, rather than an illiterate slavery dictatorship. Without involving the Zionists and their hypocrites' Moroccan fanatic-slavers I hope you understand my leadership strength, sincerity, and wisdom! Thank you. Mr. R.B. Azzouz Hawari. Presidency Candidate. 4/21/24. Florida. The USA.
Algeria is Free, a young challenging gusto of equality, and a Nobel Nation of modernity, with many more limitless opportunities for the free brave revolutionary achievers! Slaves do not decide! Because of their strong belief in a lifestyle of depravity and captivity! So, they make do with the enforced normalcy and the accepted stubbornness of antiquity. Unfortunately, it's an obstacle, a hard case, of limited possibilities!
How sweet it is, to see a victory over France in any subjective challenge! And to top it off, you are enchanted to hear the Algerian revolution's poem "9assaman."= "I Swear." When the Algerian national anthem is played or sung, world citizens should stand at attention and salute at the first note and hold the salute through the last note. The salute is directed to the flag, if displayed, otherwise to the music." I concluded with Long live the Algerian Revolution!
We are living in a spoiled childish time Zone! Maturity is experience. Unfortunately, the world's movers and shakers lack the expertise, the savoir-faire, humanity, and civility and so, they fill in the blanks with more errors! Since the VIP media influencer's controllers, the greedy hypocrite's accomplices do impress on justifications and the legal legitimacy of their criminal Satanists' pedophile's sadistic sick bloody bestiality. In a satisfactory satirical political laughable persuasion!


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