The Introduction to My Open Book.

"Cowardice." Subject Will be my next meditative essay. I enjoy delving into the fascinating challenge of communicating by writing my complimenting thoughts attached to issues, observations, and my proper feelings, hoping to find equal understanding and the satisfaction of doing what is right in our complicated times. This addiction of mine is my identity as a thirsty seeker, which earned me many friends and foes. Judging by merits of mastery, perseverance, importance and quality. I wrote my first comedy play at the age of 7, or 70 years ago. Now, as I remember as I reflect my childhood friends were pleased, loved it, and we laughed as I drew a great satisfaction and immense pleasure of that childish enjoyment contribution in our hard times as orphans without many basics, having fun and the chance to laugh was the greatest gift at the time. Except for one grown-up man Mr. Jabran, who hated me because of his incompetence and jealousy. Showed us displeasure, and firmn...