Morocco Then, and Now.
Morocco, as it is nowadays, is a French-made brothel! An unheralded, shameful mixture of ethnic immigrants, historical leading events, catastrophic circumstances, and colonial opportunities and tragedies.
Excluding the free resistants who have objected to the tyranny of the Sultans of Fes and their realm expenditure into the depths of the Berber's territories, resulting in the encirclement of Fes, the siege of 1908 by the Berber tribes of Sanhaja, Zanata, and Haouara. The catastrophic event led the enterprising elitists, Fasi and their Sultan, to invite their French Jacobite commerce looters and Satanist swindler allies, as in the French Protectorate of 1912. Invading slavers pretending to be divine, Holley invites the French as protectors and accomplices. Years of resistance, armed skirmishes, enmities, pain, and suffering under the iron and gunpowder. BY DEPRAVING THE CITIZENS FROM THE RULES OF LAW and inviting more slavery through its colonial-designed tyranny of a totalitarian inherited colonial fascist police state! Denying all liberties and imposing the colonial slavery narrative under the directives of Hassan II, the Draconian traitor who proclaimed himself a dictator totalitarian king in conspiracies with all the concerned elitists who have divided Morocco's natural resources, territories, services, and economy. Thus, the promoted sexual tourism industry, corruption, and the rules of iron feast by the bourgeoisie's defenders, the elites of French Israel's interests, who are the few privileged gangsters to prosper from the loots of the impoverished and neglected oppressed majority.
Turning Morocco into the Draconian Hassan II, the French child of oppression, and prosecutions of the Berbers, who have rejected the slaver's ruling over their lands and tribes. The enmity grew when the French expanded and invaded the Berber's territories, resulting in many wars due to the refusals and the rejections of the Berber's resistance to the French and the Spanish colonizations that ensued on many fronts. Rif war and the famous battel of Anwal, causing the Spaniard's Monarch abduction. Jabal Saghrou and a long-lasting resistance war forced the French to an armistice and an honorable agreement. "The Dahir Al Barbari." The event was the result of the French's precarious position in their fight against the Berbers. The same issue was exploited by the propagandists, traitors, and opportunist Zionist-elitist's political party of "Al Isstykllal." The same enterprising Fassi slavers, the hypocritical opportunistic racists who invited the French Jacobites to protect their commerce and expenditure into our defended authentic autochthonous Berber territory for the first time. Under such unfortunate repetitive aggressions and deceptions of the religious factions, the deceptive traditions of freeloaders who attached their opportunism to a totalitarian dictatorship of self-serving agents and tugs, accomplices/traitors for many years down the time line, imposing foreign conduct and traditions on the Berber population, stripping the Berbers of their identity, rights, and identity.
By the time of concluding a treachery contract between the looters, the Berbers are left under a colonialist's totalitarian apartheid, stripped, as in "Cheleuh." To be exploited by the resources controllers, French Jacobite's agent, "Al Makhzen." And the proclamation of the bloody, despotic, totalitarian, corrupt, brutal Hassa2, who proclaimed himself a king. By further corrupting his Fassis allies and all subjects accomplices in his tyrannical realm of slavers, the son of Abla invented a peculiar country that was politically unstable, economically corrupt, and doomed to failure. Socially and psychologically, a prisoner's fiefdom, where the corrupt, brutal Draconian is exercising total control of a feudal lord.
Under the French elitists political complicity, Morocco has become a playground for all criminals' activities and vices, the experimental laboratory of the Satanists war criminals, an open prison where horrors, pain, and suffering await opposition. from TAZMAMERT, the morbid hell of Hassan 2, where the best revolted army officers have perished under torturous years of suffering and a slow death in the dark silence of sordid, deafening screams in front of a sadist's click of traitors and cowardly dog accomplices.
To the overcrowded subhuman dungeon, Oukacha, where the political prisoners are sexually and spy-psychologically tortured under horrific conditions and many reputed bloody horror's secret villas and underground secret tortures oubliettes. History is merciless and unkind to dictators, and so is justice. Today many respectable activists and political prisoners are subjects of mistreatment by the same colonial criminal opportunists, slavers, coward opportunists, slaves, bestiality, dogs, and illiterate accomplices, Mkhaznis.
Without the rules of a democratic equality republic, there will be no peace in the future of Morocco. Haouari Rahal. AKA Richard Azzouz.
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