
Another harassment case.

It's a beautiful poetry, and you have no rights to censor my inner feeling about the guilty racist's despot corrupt criminal pedophiles satanists who have provoked my vocal sentiments. Please let them take it to court of laws. YouTube or Google have no rights in disputes arrbitrage. The matter is sensitive, as I have the rights to express my thoughts freely under the American constitution, trust me this case is an open and shot case. If you care to test my resolve lets have an American Judge hear my case! The corrupt criminal Moroccan regime is contributing the slavery by silencing its critics, opponent. I advise to avoid its complicity. Thank you. Sincerely yours. The elected President of N Africa united. Mr. Richard Azzouz. https://azzouzrichard.blogs

Morocco is hell on earth for the Berbers, and paradise for the colonialist's slavers.

By the elected President; Richard Azzouz. The Racists Moroccan terrorists, the French slavery residues of bestiality, pedophilia, bloody mayhems of horrors, and the Stanisic occultists traditions of vengeful converted Jewish families. A sad episode of the N African slavery roles. Have left us with biter hatred residues. The Moroccan persona is conflicted, and inflicted by centuries of deceptions, starvations, neglects, abuse of its poor needy. Lack of kindness-humanity nor justice have sickened the minds, and the souls of an entire population subjecting the later into an accepted, and a tolerated planned degree of slavery behavior in the name of Allah. All crimes are allowed in Morocco, sex with minor's boys and girls. Bestiality, and Necrophilia are in the raise. Thanks to the SDISTIC-satanist tyrannical fascist's despotism the criminal human/ drug traffickers. The Holy Islamic Kingdome of horrors, and shame. Israel satellite. "The Moroccan opposition to the dic...

I accuse Google and it's YouTube of Complicity in Crimes against Humanity!

In all fairness, my case of censorship by YouTube team, for political, or corruption, or incompetence, negligence, and misunderstandings end? An assumption remains to be defined by experts in the legalities of the international intricacies, corruptions, and diplomacies. In my opinion: it's safe to say they are turning the U.S.A into a one Nazi-party. Where the truth, and common decencies are ridiculed and executed by sick and deranged psychopaths! During my activism years of struggle against a mighty criminal organization. I have found, as I experienced the reach of its tentacles reach any corrupt crevices where the cheap corrupt demons are willing to sacrifice the true spirit of kindness, love, and care for a price! The slave’s makers, the slavery promoters, the pedophiles harbors, accomplice Satanists, who are covering up for evil crimes against humanity! So, is my case against the cruel-Moroccan apartheid criminal thugs, of a corrupt demonic slavery-dirty Monarchy regi...

When a culture is based on deception's lies,slavery, and Prostitution.

By the elected President. A regime of horrors, and vile crimes against humanity, the Moroccan apartheid cruel sadists bastards, are here accused of massacres, and ethnic cleansing of the isolated prosecuted impoverished autochthones! THEY ENCOURAGED, and facilitated the RAPING of WIDOWS, AND ORPHANES. The incompetence of an illegitimate racist apartheid criminal regime slowed the relief and the assistance to the poor victims of a fatal earthquake. Reports of pedophilia activities and the rampant rapes of Berbers widows, and orphaned victims of a disastrous tragedy made it wors.

The accused criminal apartheid Moroccan-police state.المتهم العنصري المغربي البوليسي.

By; The President. "Il faut le faire passé en justice ce roi à 2 balles , il a tué la population et ils n'a pas voulu les enterrés, ou sont les les droits de l'homme, avec tout ce qu'il se passe comme crimes au maroc , personne ne bouge" . The unfortunate Earthquake in the Atlas Mountains, and Marrakech, has expose errors, negligence, crimes, and the guilt of the propagandists’ French colonial agents. It has become crystal clear, Moroccan Berbers have been prosecuted and neglected, isolated frozen in the 3rd century antiquity lifestyle, forced to make do with what the nature has to offer! My family happened to be from Asni. The Earthquake region, we have lost everything today including our livestock and all means of surviving! As we have experienced before at the time of the French-protectorate. Hafed commissioned a slave’s gang and armed them under Pash Thami G...

No Condolences without Vengeance لا عزاء دون انتقام

By The elected President . Morocco exposed! The prosecuted Berbers of the Atlas Mountains are. Forbidden to build safer dwellings, by the racist tyranny, who are the engineers of the Moroccan Slavic mentality. Homes, villages, and communities, are forbidden to be built in a modern fashion and the common basic civil procedures known to mankind! The guilty responsible criminals. For their own economical profits, the totalitarian fascists turned the autochthones into a circus monkeys, in a bagger’s charade, the hypocrite Moroccan slavers, are parading, exposing their miserable victim’s lives for the tourist’s curiosity, and amusement. Not to mention human/drugs trafficking, prostitution, sanctioned terrorism of a police state, and its wanted criminal thugs, and the open markets of pedophilia. The force-Major. By The totalitarians -creator planners of a cheap Midlevel mental conditions,...

Censorship by the controllers, the dictators, the intimidators, the executioners. C/C YouTube team.

Please briefly explain why you think your channel was suspended in error. _____________________________________________________________________________ My arrgument: As you have observed from the contents of my videos, in general my advocating activities, are Solley addressing changes, pointing to deficiencies, negligence or premeditated crimes against humanity by a sect of a powerful bloody Satanists- elitists, and their corrupt agents! In the case of the evil Moroccan draconian police state, who are the culprit's targets of my endeavor, and accusations. Please advise them to " Take it to Courts." The hypocrite apartheid criminal organization, and it's affiliate drug, and human trafficking, pedophiles murdering, torturing thugs. Knowing well, they are outed, exposed, embarrassed, disturbed, in a panic, they are constantly threating me physically on the phone, as reported to the FBI office here in Daytona Beach FL. Dear Sir, Madame. Now that I have informed YouTu...