The accused criminal apartheid Moroccan-police state.المتهم العنصري المغربي البوليسي.
By; The President.
"Il faut le faire passé en justice ce roi à 2 balles , il a tué la population et ils n'a pas voulu les enterrés, ou sont les les droits de l'homme, avec tout ce qu'il se passe comme crimes au maroc , personne ne bouge" .
The unfortunate Earthquake in the Atlas Mountains, and Marrakech, has expose errors, negligence, crimes, and the guilt of the propagandists’ French colonial agents.
It has become crystal clear, Moroccan Berbers have been prosecuted and neglected, isolated frozen in the 3rd century antiquity lifestyle, forced to make do with what the nature has to offer! My family happened to be from Asni.
The Earthquake region, we have lost everything today including our livestock and all means of surviving! As we have experienced before at the time of the French-protectorate. Hafed commissioned a slave’s gang and armed them under Pash Thami Glawi. Armed with a Howitzer, and Winchester, the Glawi’s slaves raided all these villages that are suffering and dead under the Earthquake rubles, rapping and pillaging, murdering the poor Berber’s victims of a racist Jewish Sultan Hafed, who is buried today in a Jewish cemetery!
Who are the representatives of such brutal tyrannical fascist’s menageries?
This dictator is mass murderer of the prosecuted Berbers. In order for his to confiscate their rich mountains, where the invaders have chased them to! Many holocausts of the Berbers have been overlooked and covered up by the colonial slaver's associations! Free the Berbers- Rif.
هذه الكارثة
عرّفت المغاربةَ أيَّ وجه بغيض يمتلكه نظام المخزن وبيادقه .. نظام أمعن في إذلالهم سواء محياهم ومماتهم .. فتركهم للأنقاض والجوع والعراء .. بلا منقذ ولا طعام ولا مأوى ..
لهذا سيحبن الوقت طال ذلك أم قصر ليتمكن الشعب من كنس هذه القمامة ولو كلفته ضعف ما كلفتهم هذه الكارثة.
Forget not!
The sad revolting reality of this brutal criminal fascist Monarchy, defended by the corrupt Europeans. Political prisoners, of opinion. Activists, poets, Journalistes, students, average commentators sharing on mass media.
We have been screaming, protesting to no avail in hope of reaching a consciousness responsible.
But it has become clear and obvious to us today and after the side effects of a tragedy, and the aftermath of a mild Earthquake leaving its vulnerable Berbers fatalities under the rubles to suffer in agony with no help, nor assistance.
Many issues, and criminal cases have surfaced, due to the prior negligence by the thug’s regime of criminals.
Exposing the lies of these hypocrites’ opportunist’s agent who have exploited a nation of the Berbers to their likings, needs and delusional egoists French/Islamists hypocrites’ dogs, the colonialists Moroccan's ego.
The privileged fat cats criminals, the cultivated outlaw’s agents of tyranny, and the brutal colonial inherited abusive authority, products of the corrupt criminal-Hassan2, who used criminal thugs, and pimpes, to intimidate and to violently manhandle opposition during his early years as a proclaimed King. Giving reason to the violence over negotiations, and the respect of decencies or civility.
The iron dictatorship riding on Islamic clergy fanaticism a smooth transition from colonialism abuse to the mundane obedience of a Devine holey Cherifiannes!?
No question asked the nations Destiney is in Allah's hands.” According to the repetitive slogans of slavers, and victims. “Allah, Al Watan Al Malik.”
When illiteracy, lies and the clergy have become the tool of oppress, and vile tyranny, as the case of Morocco, and the entire world is oblivious or catering to Weems of its cruel despot dictator.
Thus, you have revolted me for years now, in conclusion, my wish of having these Moroccan criminals’ racists, and associates in an international court answering to the justice.
Furthermore, I do not trust the corrupt media, and its conglomerates corporations of pedophiles Satanists, who are siding with the criminals, in my case, the accused culprits’ criminals are constantly censuring and blocking my communications-work!
Signed, the Elected President Mr. Richard Azzouz Hawari. Hi Richard Azzouz,
Germany's red cross is pulling out of helping the Moroccan criminal mafia in dealing with the poor Earthquake's victims! The prosecuted Berbers the autochthones under a savage criminal slavery, of pedophiles and human/drug trafficking corrupt politicians.
Le Maroccan parle de son Roi.
L'homme come moi, parle de ces exploits, de revolte' contre leurs con-Roi.
L'esclave Marocain chante vive le Roi.
Azzouz par droit accuse leurs tyrant Roi, et amant. Z3ayieter qui chauf , et abuse les fess d'un idiot Roi. Le tyrant esclavagiste M6
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