The New International Criminal Paradigm
Let's dive into the historical soup, and its deluded facts, reasons, and why? Contrary to the propagandist's Jewish deceivers motives of evasive nature of Jewish history and its chronology. In conflict with what is true, and what is wrong and hard to understand?
First, let me remind you of Palestine or its original name "Philistine".
"The land of milk and Honey." You remember how it is described in the Bible of a Roman Emperor?
Did Constantine decide what books belonged in the …
Constantine was a Roman Emperor who lived from 274 to 337 A.D. He is most famous for becoming the single ruler of the Roman Empire (after deceiving and defeating Lucius, his brother-in-law) and supposedly converting …
Desired by the greedy Jews, and given to them by an imaginary monster called their nepotist, bloody imaginary-racist historical Evil, vile, and cruel-terrorists special revered scary monstrous Jewish-God!
Who has decided to select the Jews, to do his dirty deeds.
Yes, This introduced God as a bloody fucking pedophile, rapper, torturer, murdering no good Barbarian monster by all standards, assertions here supported by fucking facts documented evidences of factual deeds, and the perpetuated horrors against humanity in the name of a son of bitch called God by the monstrous guilty vampires from hell in their atrocious mayhems, destruction, genocides, forced starvation, and the sanctioned children's snuffing for sport, and men rapping in their deletions centers, Ethnic cleansing of the same victims who have endured the impossible of a stretched atrocious demonic torturing cycles of an apathetic insanity
By the lunatics of old fantasies and more of revolting horrific crimes against humanity! That we have become accustomed to for the last decade. Fuck!!
Mayhem refers to a state of great confusion, disorder, trouble, or destruction. It can be caused by violent behavior or sudden terrible events.
Yet the supposedly civilized world of Europeans/Americans are unfortunately blind to the criminal Zionist's Demonic revolting stupidity? Adding censorship as a veil of protection, in support of their corrupt criminal partners in a complicit opera of unchallenged, unchecked transvestite dictatorships of pigs, donkeys and monkeys under Jungl's law. "La Lois de la Jungle." Genocide was first recognised as a crime under international law in 1946 by the United Nations General Assembly (A/RES/96-I). It was codified as an independent crime in the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (the Genocide Convention). The Convention has been ratified by 153 States (as of April 2022). The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has repeatedly stated that the Convention embodies principles that are part of general customary international law. This means that whether or not States have ratified the Genocide Convention, they are all bound as a matter of law by the principle that genocide is a crime prohibited under international law.
Philistine. Which was then the inhabited land of "Palestine." Before the Jews ever left their birthplace in Iraq!
It was and still neighboring Egypt before the introduction of Biblical interpretations and its self-serving narratives and doctrines.
As A Haouari, from "Hawara."
"Archaeologists uncovered what is believed to be the remains of a "lost labyrinth" below the sand of a famous pyramid site, in what was previously thought to be a mythical structure. Known also as the Labyrinth, the Pyramid of Hawara (built by Amenemhet III) was the most visited sites of the ancient World. Herodotus claimed to have counted three thousand rooms in the pyramids funeral complex during the 5th century BC."
I, Richard Azzouz, AKA Rahal Ben Azzouz Hawari.
stand before you regarding historiacl facts of tribal definitions surging from the horrors of history's narrations of a suprflew imaginary deluded kronologies, or historical entrepretations by the victorious conquerors, the likes of Caligula, Attila the Hum, Gengeskhane or the darkest ages of European Pagans believe traditions of human sacrifices, and witchcraft occultism.
Biblical stories or Gospel's interpretations of a certain selected time frame. When the pretenders are fixed on fucking all of us with stupidity imposed as the norm in a gathering of Vampires, and the blue blood reptilians in charge of human psychological predicaments of idiotic savages slaves-hostages, captives of basic needs in an impossible life made hell at the service of greedy Evil on Earth!
You see The Jew's first entrance into the world history annals, as we have been taught in schools of lies and persuasions. The distorted Biblical, or the Coranic deceptions, are connived to serve a certain secretive sect, from the times of the Annunakis in Summer-Mesopotamia's deluded history. The source and the origins of such evil darkness and blasphemy are called Biblical religion mechanism, and ancient interpretation of confusing historical compiling events, and impossible for the homoseipien to understand! From a segment of a dark period, emerged the story of Abraham's tribe, or a certain intentioned Jews led by Abraham, and his wife/Sister Sarah Isaac's mother. The hired devious historians didn't give us the reason why the Jews chose to leave their birthplace in Iraq. From Iraq or Mesopotamia their first act was in Mecca, where he raised hell as a fake preacher, a con artist charlatan, proclaiming to be a messenger of Allah, by the Islamic teachings, he broke all idols and called for one God's worshiping, and the attributed miracles to the bloody Abraham the Jew, who almost sacrificed his son to his imaginary God-Master. In his expansions made his way to take over Egypt by the same fool's deceptions, and to poison the poor sucker pharaoh , who fell in love with the charming fuck me face Abraham's wife and sister. Poisoning the pharaoh , Abraham the Jewish prophet took over the helms of Egypt, and its economy as a cruel bastard who started by circumcising all of the slaves, as an act he performed of God's commandments! LOL. I laugh because this shit is unreal, yet it is our fucking sad truth. Fuck.
Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic, racial, or religious groups from a given area, with the intent of making the society ethnically homogeneous. Along with direct removal such as deportation or population transfer, it also includes indirect methods aimed at forced migration by coercing the victim group to flee and preventing its return, such as murder, rape, and property destruction.[1][2][3][4][5] Both the definition and charge of ethnic cleansing is often disputed, with some researchers including and others excluding coercive assimilation or mass killings as a means of depopulating an area of a particular group.[6][7][8]
The lunatics descended on Egypt like flies feasting on succulent feces, or stinking shit. Fastened, and entrenched enough to push their weights and to make way, convincing the duped naive native Egyptians, of their chosen attitude, they easily succeeded in controlling the subdued Egyptians'controlled lives, by a total crafty cruel manipulation that made it impossible to live under the new Jewish suffocating tyrannical oppressive conditions.
A (deja vue) unpleasant circumstances created by merchant's political exchanges, corruptions, and sexual persuasions, adding the old conning twists, blackmailing, and physical threatening if necessary to attain certain desired results, as it is the American/European / Arab's trapped on the knees heads of states, politicians, and scholars, who have fallen into the set honey traps, or blackmailed by precarious embarrassing situations, of character's assassinations. The same scripted comical tragedy keeps repeating itself over and over wherever the train goes. Now the crucial questions will be.
"Are we men or monkeys, when will we learn to live in peace and to understand the true human potential?"
Call me a fucking Doctor Azzouz. 2/25/25 USA.
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