American Infamy!

Richard Azzouz Hawari. It has become crystal clear, and apparently true, that the American politicians, the corrupt self-serving whores, the traitors, the double agents in the White House, the Congress, the Senat, and the media. Have sold the American values for double citizenship, money, and prestige. Algeria is greater than the Zios American dogs! Algerians stand for human rights, what do you stand for? The Zionist's crimes against humanity!? Now who's the banana republic!? The corrupt pedophiles, terrorists, Epstein's clients!! The pedophiles elitists clubs, the KKK-Nazis! Corrupt low low-life criminal bastards! Where are the American Indians now?? Or this justice of yours? You fucking concealed the autochthones! The starved European savages pretending to be the world police, fuck you criminal's trash! What about the American constitution? Are you wiping your Az'z with its ink!? It's about time to vote these bastards out, and to p...