Why are they mixing facts, and diluting the truth?

Richard Azzouz Hawari.
Now where did the cursed Zionist's hat come from? Ignorance gives way to arrogance, creating Kings out of village idiots! A sad repetitive cycle of human history! Unfortunately, America, and its constitutional values is ruined by the arrogant- imbeciles Jews! Who have prospered in Hollywood, mass media, banking, pharma, and government key positions. Equipped with hat they have propagated hatred in a deceptive subliminal slick, and swift deranged and absurd comedy. Mental Nazi propaganda translated into American reality, played, and reenacted by the living Americans characters, changing American's lifestyle, and perspectives. I'm open for discussions on this criminal taboo subject of confused idiots purposely mixing carts, historical events, lying blames confusing the culprits' demonic haters, evil aggressors, who have supported Hagana's and its Polish Zionist terrorist's invader's crimes against humanity then in the dark times of 1948. Given RISE to a terrorist's mercenaries' land grabbing monsters. Leaving us today with their legacy of a bloody Gaza, and 75 years of a barbaric occupation of the Palestinian's land. It's about time to close this file in the most civil way possible. Holding the culprits accountable for their crimes against humanity, giving back the land of Palestine to its proper owners, ending your bloody marathon of blood sucking Zionists pigs, and the merchants of death who are arming, supporting, and justifying the abominable evil's deeds. No one should be allowed to be above the law! Even if he has A bombs! That is if we are men enough to stand our grands!


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