Three Piglets Conquered to the USA.
Richard Azzouz Hawari.
Three piglets went to Washington DC for some more bombs, money, and fun. Ancle Sam, the white stupid dumb blind white man , the lonely fool old fart,under a Talamudic spel, give the dirty bloody piglets his son, wife money and all, withou a question asked.
The piglets Tooke a good shit in the blind man's empty money bag, for Baraka, spat on his face for good luck, and kicked his big American Az hard as they can for a blessing.
Now they are gone to hell where they dance and sign after each kill. Meanwhile back at home, here in all cities' street's corners war vets victims of the American dream are asking for change, some for drugs, and some for food, families sleeping in the open as if in Gaza without a war. Ancle Sam the blind white man, the fool, is dumb, or maybe he's a Racist Jew too? Giving me the impression of WW3 is about to shake my tree.Save yourself brother man, the criminal-idiots have no plan.
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