The Criminal-Moroccan Police State's Thugs are corrupting the Planet.

By The Elected Moroccan Republican President. Mr. Richard Ben Azzouz Hawari.
In understanding the international relations, we will encounter the gametes of good and the bad in every society, and humanity in general. Especially Today we face the danger of extinction, hot spots of conflicting policies, enmities, and extremely ravaging wars, starvations, and an atomic dooms day reality at the horizon of every continent. Unfortunately, the stubborn greedy players are oblivious to their dangerous played game, and their precarious roles in the Global decisions. In my case of an adamant activist an advocate for the necessary changes, the freedom of the innocent political prisoners, a staunch opposant to the police state's cruel and tyrannical justice, in my endeavor I have encountered a sordid violent opposition, threats and defamatory publicity. To remedy the colonialist attitude in Morocco, I have elected to lead my people to the light, and freedom from a draconian hypocritical deceiving clergy like antiquity atmosphere of make believe in a Devine sacred deceptive dictatorship. I find myself fighting the corrupt corporate giants; In the first place where communication is a crucial tool of persuasion and understanding. Appeal rejected %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ("We’ve looked at your content again carefully, and have confirmed that it does violate Community Guidelines. It will not be available on YouTube. We know it may be disappointing, but it’s important that we keep the YouTube community protected.") ****************************************************************************** The criminal corrupt associations have determined that knowledge is an infectious awakening disease, and its awareness will strip their first place of profits, and its corporate’s prestigious pedestal of fame, and notoriety. Remember Nicolas Tesla, had no support from the same greedy editors, who have sold their conscience, as they do today, and nothing is new! But Adolf Hitler did control the Nazi’s propaganda machine while barbecuing humanity, and reducing humans into rats, and dead meat! “Humanity sucks big time.” Today 2 of my videos have been censored by YouTube, and its Google Mother, yesterday Facebook shot my page down, as if their actions of controllers, or intimidators fades me. Another Facebook Nazi-censorship sentence. "Your group activity is restricted for 29 days Your previous group activity didn’t follow our Community Standards so you can’t do things like create, invite, post and comment in groups. Sep 7," No in the contrary they revolt me, when they break the law and violate my constitutional rights, as an American citizen, and a linguist Major in the Army of my mother land and Nation. But if America becomes a victim of the dubious Nazis, and greedy politician terrorists, then I will have no choice but to restore the constitutional laws by fighting the corrupt greedy American politician traitors, in accordance with our Nobel constitution. ----------------------------------------------------- "Hi Richard Azzouz, We have reviewed your appeal for the following: Video: Ethnic Cleansing in The Rif after the Holocaust. We reviewed your content carefully, and have confirmed that it violates our hate speech policy. We know this is probably disappointing news, but it's our job to make sure that YouTube is a safe place for all. ---------------------------------------------------------------- The First Elected Republican President, is me!I'm the Commander in Cheif.


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