?لماذا أعلنت نفسي رئيسًا للأمة الأمازيغية؟ Why Did I declare myself a President of the Berbers Nation?

Richard Azzouz HAWARI. I'm the President of the Great- North Africa's Berbers Nation. Since this bold declaration of my candidacy, on 8/6/2014 8:40:30 PM, many have congratulated me on the incitive, and many shriveled in front of its circumstantial weight, and its irreparable damages to certain egoists' opportunists' French colonial-planted agents. Reactions of support came from all over North Africa, Interviews, with the Moroccans, Tunisian Berbers, Algerian Chawis, Kabilis, Libyan Berbers, and Arabs supporting my legal claim to govern my people's affairs, and Nation, fairly, and democratically. Issues have surfaced, protests, correspondence, art, games, and many songs dedicated to the President Azzouz HAWARI, like the attached video
As of today I declare myself, and I, The undisputed Amazighs movement of liberation's Sole President, by default. That is, herewithin I, DECLARE, me your President, in writing this solemnly declaration of intent. So; Be it, and call me Mr. Richard Azzouz Hawari. As of today... Know this, I have decided to fill in the void, and to give a true example of what a noble free Amazigh should, or must do, or act like, under such harsh imposed deception of deplorable-existing slavery; Arab colonial conditions of shame and disgust; In contrast of the crimes of the savage occupant traitors, and their French protectors in North Africa. Considering the satanist-colonial monster criminal, the so called " The Arabs Regimes of Al Maghreb Al arabi? Or the geographical location of these supposedly Arab states? of North Africa", and their horrific colonial treason.. As known, like " Morocco" Algeria" Tunisia" Libya" 'Mauritania", " Mali", and" The Nigger" ,"The Rock of Gibraltar" ,"The Azore Islands", " Canary Islands"; And part of Egypt These territories will be liberated by arms if needed, since they are part of the Amazighs lands, and territories, and belong to the sovereing Amazighs Nation ; https://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Sovereign+nation The Great free- Amazigh united.. Amazighs people called "Messiwa" in Egypt, are my brothers, and sisters,who once ruled over Egypt in the times of Solomon, and the Amazigh Chichok, as the Pharaoh 2965 years ago, as stated by our victory over the Egyptian 2965 years ago! http://www.christiananswers.net/q-abr/abr-a017.html Now we have to suffered indegnations, marginalisation, human rights abuses, and the thefts of our lands by force and Arab's treacheries, and their type of Arab justice system of one dictator, and his mafia gangsters as in Morocco, of corruptions, and shame! Under the divisions of our Amazigh land by the invading hordes of savages brutal, racists Beduines, who have descended on my land, and killed our Brave warrior, and a respected unifying Queen Dahyia, and the brave Aksil, who defeated their Arab leader Mouawia, in a hand to hand combat! Then they proceeded to divide North Africa into Arab's occupation dictatorial Arabs kingdoms Estates.. Where they have SAVAGELY imprisoned, enslaved, and massacred the Amazighs population, for the fun of it. Shipping 1.300,000 young Amazighs children to Arabia for sex, and pleasure-slavery.. The savage Arab invaders, have caused irreparable damages to an ancient culture, they have and still starving the Amazighs population to death, if not invading their homes, and the poor neglected prehistoric dirt villages to rob them of their stored food. To these crimes, and Arab's treasons, one should be ashamed to be from North Africa, and not to speak out against the Moroccan regime of consortium guilty hypocrites conspirator criminals, who's totalitarian predator, as he, is called by the French thinkers, went on his television station, to ask his victims, " Where did the Moroccan fortune went?" If this not another new Arab's deception, I don't know what it is? When the same dictator has monopolised the economy, lands that the French confiscated from the poor Amazighs, when they have resisted the French/Arabs gangsterism , and their so called "The Protectorate" I call it the " Razia!" http://www.footprinttravelguides.com/africa-middle-east/morocco/about-morocco/history/the-protectorate-development-and-exploitation/ Therefore , and since, no other brave son of a woman stepped up, to challenge this true " mafia of Mkhaznia", synonymous; with pure Arab slavery.. Under the prevailing unwanted conditions, I see no other option but to come forth, and to declare what is dutiful mine by birth, as I challenge all of you to do the same, if you are brave enough to stand for what is right? Again I doubt it ! considering the Epigenetic influence, and the level of your damaged DNA through centuries of low life indoctrinations, and a conspiracy by Islamic hypocrisy schools, and their mafia of pedophiles Mosque's Imam on the take, a deception of great magnitude, will be exposed in due time, as well as their treason, and crimes against humanity by this evil religion, and its opportunists, traitors dogs.. http://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/epigenetic-influences-and-disease-895 The Allaouits- Arabs made sure to mix the Amazigh's blood with the imported African-slaves brought by the Evil, Ismael, the monster of Mekes, the city of Boukhari slaves, where he built his opulent palace " Kassr Al Badi3" with the Amazighs/Roman's macenery-art effects taken, and stolen from the patrimonial/Cultural treasure Volubilis baths ! The Arabs don't ask questions, or consider, they just take what doesn't belong to them from others, savages! The other day the Moroccan idiot totalitarian sold the entire fish stock of two oceans for 140 million dollars, and purchased another expensive aircraft for his pleasures equipped with latest gadget for 144 millions dollars, without consulting, nor asking the Amazighs; to whom that land, and its oceans belong! If I tell you half of what I know about these bastards, as a Tax inspector in their Financial Ministry of shame, and tugs, you will cry blood for tears! https://archive.org/details/moroccothatwas00harrrich *** ---- 1st).. As my first directive, I declare the annulation of the illegally traced colonial borders on my Amazigh land of North Africa.. From the tip of Gibraltar extending forth to Egypt Siwa. From Gibraltar passing Mauritania, engulfing Mali,Nigger, Ghana, and Senegal. Canaries Island, Setta, and Melilea should be evacuated at once.. As I declare the savage regimes of Arab pirates, the OCCUPANT- criminal invaders, the traitors, are illegally,and factually in harmful slavery practices, and a guilty unwanted position of shame, therefore theirs Arabs regimes in the occupied Amazighs land of North Africa, should be considered null, and void, of International legality respect, legitimacy, or even consideration giving the fact of their horrific crimes against humanity, and their conspiracies with the French Jacobites, massacres, genocides, and the holocausts of the Amazighs population, crimes that must be revised, to close their juridic cases as a the historical closure of the Arabs crimes against humanity in North Africa! As for reparations, we will make demands for justice, and we will negotiate our concerns from a position of strength, as did our Amazighs ancestors with the Romain 500 years B.C ! By the time; and when we are in the position to enter our Amazigh lands freely, or by any means the accused apartheid occupants cowards may chose, our Amazigh flag will fly over the free Amazighs land of the great North Africa soon!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Carthage ----- 2)...My second Directive) I ask of you one thing, and one thing only at this junction of our struggle, and that is to have the courage to purchase your own arm, for our revolution, its only by owning your own arm that we may consider you free, and willing to do battle with the savage hypocrite Arab occupant, the sick demented Mkhazni son of Boukhari slaves, and whores! My last and not least, I want to remind you again about our grandfathers, and our history with the invaders. We have triumphed against mightier armies in the past; So what would make you think the invading traitor- occupant savage-Arab race is a challenge to the Amazighs courage, and ingenuity, at these modern times? Get to work for your freedom Amazighs! Signed by The Amazighs Revolutionary Movement, The President; Mr. Amgar Richard Azzouz. August/7/2014. http://www.change.org/petitions/the-amazighanes-declaration-of-independence In reference to my harsh criticism, and accusations about Arab's treacheries, as well as the historical facts about the Berber people's history, as it was recorded by many witnesses, journalists, and well known personalities of their times, I hereby introduce volumes of literature in support of my concern and position! So you be the judge. Thank you. Sincerely; Your President, Amgar Mr. Richard Azzouz Hawari. http://archive.org/stream/HistoireDeLafriqueEtDeLespagneIntituleacuteeAl-bayanol-mogrib_380/Histoire_de_l_Afrique_et_de_l_Espagne_in1_djvu.txt DateCreated 8/6/2014 8:40:30 PM


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