Moroccan Gate. Corruptions, Slavery, Pedophilia, crimes against Humanityالبوابة المغربية. الفساد ، العبودية ، التحرش الجنسي بالأطفال ، الجرائم ضد الإنسانية
Richard Azzouz Hawari. It's time for the human conscience's involvement in what is taking place as rampant crimes against humanity, mass arrests of journalists, bloggers, and YouTubers, in that part of the world called Morocco! Today, the criminal's intentions, and methods, have become apparent. " The Moroccan Gate" scandal have exposed both corrupt competing criminal- camps, the African criminal side, and its shinning European counterpart, the privileged white pedophile slave's abuser. Belgium, with its runs with the Moroccan agent- infiltrators, the backwards spies, intimidating the Moroccan community, and peddling drugs, prostitution, in a bulling Moroccan-diplomacy. Spain, and its European Union, have found themselves swimming in a pool infested with Moroccan lice, and bedbugs as in his Majesty's dungeons. U.S.A, politicians, Mass Media, and world population, our neighbor has a big role to play. We share historical, and cultural bounds with the entire world. We the Berbers of North Africa, have been betrayed by the Churches, and the greedy imperial politicians, in their vice's pursuits reducing the Amazighs into scattered stateless autochthones in our own proper land of North Africa by the French colonial's expansionists, and the Arab’s apartheid politics.
All we have asked from the world is fairness in the face of the imposed corrupt criminal slaver’s Monarchy of shame in Morocco.
Honestly, we have plaided for your sincere political arbitrage, help, and humanitarian support in the field of human rights, and the process of democratic institutions.
As we have deemed it to be necessarily respectable on your behalf to legally do your duty, since commercial ventures, and its profits, have entangled your bad representatives reflecting your institutions in bed with the illegitimate Moroccan criminal slavery machine!
Remembering our shared ancestral cultural history of minds contributions, and hard work back to the 10th Century; The same characters who have provided the Moors with European castrated boys, and sex slaves of yesterday. Today the same cruel corrupt monsters are covering up for the Moroccan terrorism, human rights abuse, in exchange for gifts, large sums of money, and the invites to the famous pedophilia's Mecca for the International elitist’s paradise! Today we need help with the Moroccan criminals in charge of the cruel criminal police state. Exposing their corruption, crimes against humanity, and terrorism. We demand your involvement to free the innocent political prisoners, and to free Mr. Zafzafi, and his companions (Harak Rif) from dungeons of shame, and slow death. As we Petition the world of free men, to hold the Moroccan dictator Mohamed 6, family, and associates guilty of Barbarian justice. As we demand the freezing of their assets abroad for now. From our part diligently we must work to free the Moroccan people from this mafia called "Makhzen" and its hold on people's minds with fanaticism, and terrorists' propaganda. Stay tuned to the conclusion of a reached verdict on " Morocco Gate" Sincerely, Mr. Richard Azzouz Hawari.
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