The The Ostracized.
In a make-believe Kingdom of ancient invading slavers, the autochthones Berbers, have been massacred, prosecuted, ridiculed, marginalized, and ostracized. By the newcomers the Morish refuges of Andalusia, and their partners the African slaves’ traders. Actually, they assumed a new projected identity giving themselves importance by assuming a new tailored and convenient deceptive stature, of a Divine holy man white clothed in a djellaba, and a burnouses Fassi.
The Mask.
The attire worn by the imaginary holy Devine Saint Moroccan Con-artists/ Politician. From the reputable confrerie of Bani Kalboun Alkadba. (The sons of Dogs the lie).
The pious sage the portrayed pretending wiseman character, playing his pretentious magic hypnotizing tricks in the minds of the average impoverished souls, the starved flies in dirty, sick, prosecuted, and neglected paysans in general man-made misery.
Dust, and the heat of Morocco adding to years of brutal wars, excursions into Spain by Al Mouravites, Al Mouahides, Al Marinieenes, Saadieenes, The Berbre’s Emprors who presided over North Africa united, and their glorifying religious exploits took a heavy negative toll on the environment, psychology, and resources.
A perfect ripped condition for exploitation of the weak, the confused, and the needy, by the refugees from the Spanish Catholic inquisition courts. So, the costume, played a bigger role than the deceiving act.
Making it easier for these CONIVING Charlton’s characters to convince the naïve into a degrading servitude, and obedience, demand respect, and the sacrifice.
The privileged exaggerated demands didn’t stop only in territorial confiscations but attained the familial gifts of virgins as offering to bless families, by raping their children?! As was the tradition of a proclaimed Jewish King, by the Name of Machaal; In Oujda. Who demanded to deflower a virgin per night!
The Asylum.
These true abusive traditional practices are still courant under the same principals in a traditional Moroccan obedient subjects inherited slavery psychology.
Defined by the Holiness standard, the privileged title, or the Carte Blanche, The As of spade, the above all, the cherished, the first, the chosen one, by Allah, you can’t do wrong thus the Divine, “Charif” by the Moroccan standard!
religiously defined as unquestionable Amir Al Mouminnieene faithfully passing for a Khalif.
Saints from such or such confrerie with inherited title of the privileged elitists Sidi Saint son of Sidi Saint who’s home?
A new game with its Holy profiting fade with many promising perks, give into a competitive rat race, and so confreries mushroomed at a higher rate all around the Berber’s lands in Marrakech
Even the imported slaves from Africa had their own confreries, like Gnawa, and Malians, Senegalese, congregations, while collectively building this specific affiliation based on the only conning issue, of dominating, politically, and the ethnic cleansing that will ensue once the invading occupant-Arabs have called in for the French Protectorate 1912.
Hollywood’s acts.
By a deeply rooted, this complexed slavery traditions, and tolerance, parading in strange costumes of imposters, the Turks, with their Fes displaying air of the learned ones, with the French immigration, to their positions support, as a French colony, they imposed a brand of Islam for convenience they call it ” Malaki Hanifi”, as a chosen religion for the Berber’s land under Arab’s infiltrators, the hypocrite traitors, the French agents, who have sold our land from under our feet’s, just as they exploit its rich minerals today without giving us a hint. And why should they since we haven’t opposed their tyranny!
Mortal conflicts
Spreading injustice of a traditional slavery with the accord, and the support of the Imperialists, organized army of a satisfied humiliated trained dogs, a brutal police state creating havoc, by kidnapping, assassinations, horrific methods of barbarian’s tortures, medieval dungeons of shame, and savagery, a decrepitude system of corruptions, prostitution brothels, human, and drug trafficking,
Political Prisoners, and crimes against humanity.
Today Morocco resembles an open prison under the African Sun. where an assortment of journalists, bloggers, social media activists have suffered under the authoritative fascist hands of the brutal tyrannical police state’s agents, equipped with tailored judiciary system, at the service of despotism, and its obvious common corrupt machine of oppress, humiliation, and human rights abuse, by the dictator’s agents, immediate family, and the elected sons of colonial collaborators.
Amnesty International, and its long dance, and beats has produced an alarming morbid Moroccan danger, frightening Barbarian-Drumbeats, and so the Human Rights watch has jumped, and danced to the same brutal senseless barbarian horrific screams of victims raped by bottles, not to mention the U.S.A, State Department’s correspondence, and objections to the Moroccan Rights violations. But when you are a rich criminal, you get away with massacres, genocides, and a holocaust of the Rif, and you continue to violate the rights of your hostages indefinitely without fear or retribution. The corrupt Washington Lobby will cover for its clients, long as they shed Millions of Dollars. Today by the order of his Majesty the Devin Mohamed 6, the imposter despot, the wanted criminal, his police kidnapped Mohamed Ziane, the attorney, and sentenced him to 3 years jail term.
By The Express. Rabat
Morocco: a famous lawyer, former Minister of Human Rights, arrested and imprisoned
Rabat - Moroccan opponent Mohamed Ziane, former president of Rabat and minister of human rights between 1995 and 1996, was arrested and imprisoned Monday night after being sentenced on appeal to three years in prison, we learned from judicial sources and from his son.
Sincerely yours; Richard Azzouz. 11/22/22.
Marrakech By George Orwell Analysis
George Orwell’s “Marrakech” is a non-fictional essay written in the year 1939 that explores the central concerns of the text that were going on within the Moroccan town such as colonialism, racism, oppression, and poverty. Orwell describes his time within Marrakech and details the oppression and unfair treatment of the original natives of the land. He very cleverly evokes intense emotions in the reader by opening up his writing to interpretation and in-depth analysis rather than just trying to give a flat-out negative opinion which would not have been nearly as effective. Due to this, our appreciation and sympathy towards the text is enhanced and is furthered even more through the use of techniques such as personal anecdote, powerful images and comment and opinion.
Firstly, Orwell explores the theme of poverty through the use of imagery and repetition in order to give his writing a very intricate and memorable description. In this first section Orwell…show more content…
This makes the reader feel enraged that white people have so much power over the original people of the land which would have been ideal around the time the essay was constructed as it would allow for more readers (typically white) to turn their guns the other way and realize maybe they are oppressive and unjust towards ethnic groups that are not their own. On the whole, the readers knowledge on oppression within Marrakech is increased through the use of word choice that helps manifest an unforgettable description that really does question the unethical treatment of the original inhabitants situated in the
The Hidden crimes against the Berber's Nation. الجرائم الخفية ضد الأمة البربرية
Mr. HAWARI Richard Azzouz. We will keep demanding accountability and justice until we get meaningful reform. We are not Arabs, and we don't want to be their second, in our own occupied North Africa! We are a nation of Berbers located in North Africa, prior to the arrival of the invading hordes of cruel terrorists. With the complicities of the British, the French, the Spaniards, and the Catholic Church. They have tailored a new fake imaginary identity above ours, and land, these accomplices' colonial slavers have maintained, and supported the fake Arab apartheid, the actual despotic cruel racist regimes in North Africa! Nous ne sommes pas arabes, et nous ne voulons pas être leurs deuxièmes, dans notre propre Afrique du Nord occupée ! Nous sommes une nation de Berbères située en Afrique du Nord, avant l’arrivée des hordes envahissantes de terroristes cruels. Avec la complicité des Britanniques, des Français, des Espagnols et de l’Église catholique. Ils ont adap...
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