The Moroccan epistemology نظرية المعرفة المغربية

The Moroccan epistemology Here, our focus is confined to the shaping of a society from a subjective testimonial point of Vue. My name is Richard BENAZZOUZ (AKA) Rahal Jaouhari. Born in what it is Morocco today, historically, was known by the name of “Marrekech” a Berber’s name for “ THE LAND OF Akush” a Berber Deity from the Indian Akush the mythical God depicted with an Elephant head’, Myths, tells, stories that have been handed down for generations, popular tales that embody a collective shared knowledge. We have just established certain origins in this Moroccan Etiology, hoping to find the ills of the Moroccan society today. (The investigation or attribution of the cause or reason for something, often expressed in terms of historical or mythical explanation). Searching or exposing these facts, will land you in dungeons of shame today in the land of make believe, the land of Kings, and slaves, The baptized “Al Maghreb Al 3aroubi” (The West) for the expansionists in the East, Al Ouma? Baatists? Salafists? Wahhabism? The Brotherhood Islamists? Da3chists? Ethnic Cleansing So Morocco, became a complicit member, and a partner in political crimes worldwide, in complicity with the French, and the Spaniards, in their expansionism to the Rif, and the horror of their holocaust, and it’s unfortunate Berber victims of a horrors, and an international conspiracy. What changed Amurnwakush’s name, and its origins? Amurnwakush, becoming Morocco, or Al Moghreb, and the Berber’s Ethnicity became Arabic? What were their objective? When they massacred the Berbers in the Rif, or by imposing a directive to eliminate the Imazighen history, and language? A fraud, a colonial transvestic forced assimilation of the autochthones, confiscations of rich minerals territories, the entire Imazighen land “Amurnwakush” Marrakech, became to sole property of the new owner, who proclaimed himself, a King, a Devin one too! “ Charif” Holy, and a Saint Hassan2, the son of Pacha Al Glawi. The Devin Majesty the bastard Hassan2, Tooke advantage of a set circumstances, supported by the French opportunists, Fassi bourgeoisie elites, the political parties who collaborated with the French Protectorate for the elites privilege, and a share of the loot, equipped by army of illiterate voluntary foot soldiers with nothing to lose, who were used by the colonials to suppress riots, later fought the Vietnamese in the name of their new master, and Germans for the liberation of the occupied France, and the Vichy treason. Under the Divine dictator Hassan2, Morocco became a French arm, used in its African adventures, as they have used Senegalese army to massacre the Moroccans. In the face of these massacres, and a horrible dictatorship, Morocco today, is a confused chocking state, hysterical by the paranoiac opportunists, in dealing with an accumulated array of complications, a series of political, economic, sociological challenges, yet the indoctrinated colonial dogs, will object to the logical approach long as the dictator is not given a good credit, and apprises for some sort of imaginary success, or achievements? Meanwhile, our journalists, bloggers, and social media activists are suffering in his dungeon of horrors. I just heard of the kidnapping of Mohamed Ziane, a royalist agent pretending to be opposant of the same system he has supported with lies, and the idiotic propaganda of visualizing the Sultan in the Moon!? The folkloric comedy of imbeciles, pretending to be the rightful owners of the Imazighen land and nation. In brief, my opinion here, is for the so-called Moroccans to unite behind me, since the Imazighen have given me the mandate to represent our interests, identity, and the right to our land, and its resources, national glory, by a democratic process, and a governing body for the immediate transition! Long live the Republic. As I have challenged all the concerned to produce a better plan, or idea! Sincerely yours. Mr. Richard Azzouz. 11/21/22. ( Etiology is the study of causation or origination. The word is derived from the Greek αἰτιολογία (aitiología) "giving a reason for" (αἰτία, aitía, "cause"; and -λογία, -logía). More completely, etiology is the study of the causes, origins, or reasons behind the way that things are, or the way they function, or it can refer to the causes themselves. Wikipedia)


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