In my corner, Facing the Truth
We come to understand certain logics based on human history; globally humanity is coming together converging on the same purpose. It has become clear to all of us, in order for humanity to survive, and prosper it must focus on peace, and harmony. What we have learned from our past is the prerequisite conduct of nations today. Few have risen to a higher standard of respect for their efforts, humanity, contributions, and sacrifices, soldiers who give their lives in combats, scientists, courageous revolutionaries who stood against tyranny, and despotism to change the course of societies to better the lives of their countrymen, and to whom we owe great deal of respect, admiration, and esteem. As well as the list of infamy for those who we despise in memory. Some have learned to tweak the natural rules, and the process by creating their own isolated world far from civility by imposing the rules of jungles in the territories they dominate. For instance, the making of Morocco is a perfect example of time warped society, born from the French Protectorate of 1912, groomed by the British privateers, the true slave's traders of the 16th and the 17th centuries. Their concocted concept is missing dragons, and giants to future in the fables, and tells of bedtime stories. The meager existence of a miserable majority, through the poor mismanagement, and feasible social justice, due to the cruel apartheid regime made of invaders, the Anadolu's, and the Arab's army from the invasions of North Africa in the 8th century, Forced assimilations of the autochthones, by a cruel racist's invaders, sex slaves, and pedophiles terrorists Barbarians. Wars, and tribal brutality switching sides, names, and allegiances, harems, palaces, Gold, commerce, brute rulers, served by the religion merchants, preaching obedience, and faith regardless of sins in general! A confused amalgam of monkeys sniffing butts! In the shadow of such prehistoric fantasies the unfortunate brutal Barbarian Moroccan history was shaped and conceived. Where the Moroccan despotic, family of slave's traders Dar Al Mahraz, and Alj, who preferred to be named Alouites, with the help, and the complicity of the British opportunists' deceivers, now they seat on the Throne of David. Cruel like a bitch, equipped with an army of inherited obedient slaves' servants, a police state, and the sons of collaborators for judges, and administrative servants, a mafia of criminals, with own criminal's justice courts, the privileged above the law, giving in to corruptions in every level of that damned slavery society. Welcoming the International criminals, human traffickers, and drugs, sex slavery, prostitution brothels. Thuggery is the official language, dungeons of horrors, torturers, and pedophiles are the elites, famine, misery, and slavery are the norm in a land of satanists pretending to be holy, and saints. A fraud must be exposed before it contaminates the white House, and the world's establishments, or has it?! By Richard Azzouz.
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