The Moroccan Draconian Justice System. النظام القضائي المغربي الوحشي

We will have more fun with the Moroccan justice mafia soon, we will have with us here in the studio, Mr. Mourade Al Hamouti; a political prisoner, in person, Madame Al Hora Merieme the Moroccan activist a human rights advocate, with your participation, we will listen, discus, and ask our guest Mr. Mourade about his unfortunate experience, and what he did suffer from in particular at the hands of the enemy. Mr. Mourad Al Hamouti, as victim who was subjected to savagery, and its morbid horrors, a witness to what led to a cruel administrative carelessness assassination, and the brutal subhuman treatments by the corrupt colonial apartheid Moroccan justice, system and its criminal thugs. A near death experience by a gang of racists guards, left him incapacitated, caused by a mistaking identity. Geneva's convention- agreement is not respected by the criminals at the service of tyranny, dictatorship with its medieval barbarian slavery methods. Journalists, who dared to speak up, or h...