Present day Morocco يومنا هذا المغرب
Obviously, the Moroccan mafia, is hurt, by true journalistic analysis, expression of freedom of speech in the exercise of basic liberties, the guilty here is threatened by your exposure of factual situations, crimes against humanity, and the norm, abuse of power, nepotism, negligence, corruptions, theft of national resources, money laundering in overseas banks, the lavish life of a dictator, and its cost, reflecting a dire misery in general, reveling a shocking nature of a totalitarian cruel regime, syphoning our resources, labor, and propriety, corrupt judiciary Systeme, a brutal police state, a fascist attitude of despotism, and incompetence, lies, and frauds of a hypocrite criminal organization on their part with no end in sight.
The criminal hypocrite rather live in denial of individual rights, national interests, humanity, logic, decencies, and a democratic process, than be sincere, and an honest citizen. The slavers are afraid of their own shadows. They are afraid of accusations, afraid, and paranoid, and can't focus.
To hide the truth, they regress back to antiquity, violence, degradations, insults, and intimidations pretending to be right, will preaching mannerism of ancient slavery theories in their blunt savage demining colonial prolateral bourgeois characters, while defending their opportunism in association with a vile tyranny, prosecutions and the oppress equipped with dungeons of shame, where our journalist, activists, and bloggers, are suffering a subhuman treatment of his Majesty, and his corrupt childish judiciary mafia.
A hazy smoke screen is their futile agreement in defending the monarchy, and its ills in the 21st century. The prevailing impression one gets about the Moroccan society, is that of a Zombie's land, a prison in open air, once examined, and understood its rejected automatically, by the league of developed Nation's academic minds, and from the present time, as a viable nation. Morocco, and its conductors, is driven to the oblivious abyss, by the same guilty spoiled children of a colonial euphoric attitude.
Calling for a revolution is our last option, since the bloody barbarian- satanists are working harder to defeat civility. The outcome will be the same, their end is at sight, and their aggressive resistance has become annoying, revolting, unfair, and unacceptable. Leaving us to pounder our brains looking for a solution to our plight, and so many of us are speaking the truth in opposition, a second step is our organization in opposing the criminals. 20 Fevrier Movement is still active, and we should commemorate it for the last time by invading all palaces, police stations, and public places. It's time for our glorious freedom, and a new start. So, lets prepare our people for that day of glory, and liberty! Our rendez vous in the dictator's palace on the 20th of February 2023. By Mr. Richard Azzouz.
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