The slavery culture is deeply rooted in the Moroccan psychology. Supported by the hired occultists charlatans. Who have been propagating fanatic's imaginary ridiculous tells. Lies, and more lies feed to an illiterate mass of gaolable easily dupped-persuaded ignorant believers. When the responsible bourgeoisie culprit's principal interests are to control the mind, and the body of the population, reducing the society into a servant-zombie, void of humanity, logic, pride, or civility consumed with survival in a hard time of a dark injustice. Here in their schools, we could notice the inherited naivety of such a primitive isolated victim society, passed on to the future generations, without shame, nor opposition! Undoctoring their children into obedience, and its Moroccan-slavery at an early age, without the necessary provisions, nor a preparation for an equal, democratic social behavior. The irony here, as a revolted witness, I must confess in accusation of the criminal's intentions, in their deception, they conspired to enslave the population of a mixed ethnic background, traditions, and customs. Lies, Witchcraft, terror, Religion interpretations, Charlton's for the parliamentary comedy, and the manipulation of the bourgeoisie elites, political parties, journalists, and all the spokespersons, are consorts. The question here is who are the Moroccans? Morocco is far from what they want you to know, Morocco, in opinion, is a brothel politically, a hell on Earth for the majority, and a sand box for the retarded spoiled children's playground. As well as heaven for the pedophile's elite, an easy money for the international Bankers, as it is an intentionally made into a corrupt society by the superpowers, and the corrupt press corporations. Today Israel, is jostling for a big share of a bleeding beast, let's see where the Chass may lead us? The Moroccan dictator M6, spent 23 years in his bedroom satisfying his holy-Sacred perverted sexuality, and now he had enough so he left the jungle to the next? The Moroccan charlatans, are at it again, justifying the dictator's crimes, and kissing up to the next bastard despot on the line of ownership of slaves! With such odds, crimes history, the world's changes all have contributed to the changes. A republic succeeding a Monarchy in Morocco is not too far off. Presenting the solution, here I have announced my candidacy, and offered to unite all factions, as an interim chairman- President of the first temporary parliament in exile. Duty calls, I'm a proud world citizen Berber, or Amazigh, ready to fight for what is right, just and human. Mr. Richard Azzouz. Florida 9/28/22.


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