
No Excuse. A Crime, Is A Crime! لا عذر. جريمة ، هي جريمة

When the entire regime apparatus, is an involved accomplice in crimes against humanity, we call it by its appropriate legal criminal name. " A fascists Barbarian- Systeme". Or "Nostra causa". But when the world's capitals, politicians, and intellectuals, and their national medias, are involved witnesses without a due care nor an objective reaction, in silence, we call them '' The intentional- imperialists criminals". Pretending to be civilized, while preaching civility, and the respect of human rights charter boosting above the " the 3rd world injustice of tyrannical agents". Occupied and concerned with their own political affairs, elections, and social economies improvements of their lots, and constituents. Knowing well of the exacted suffering, and the miserable conditions of depravations, they have caused to the unfortunate massacred societies, through the residues of their greedy institutions, and the crimes of their savage occupati...

20 Years Sentence for demanding basic Rightsحكم بالسجن لمدة 20 عاما للمطالبة حقوق الأساسية في المغرب

Nacer Zafzafi, took it up in himself to speak for the prosecuted Berbers in the Rif. The entire world turned its back to our legitimate struggle for what is rightfully ours! Well, since the imperialists, the corrupt Satanists worldwide, are profiting by the same medieval slavery practices, the international community, and its philosophers, professors, and the intellectual academia, are too concerned with a patch of land in North Africa, where tyranny is reveling with the face of the same pedophile European, American politicians! The same pigs or the Cabale, are well served, and extremely happy enjoying their profits from our blood, and their imposed, and supported slavery! Morocco, in its darkest times, will explode in their faces soon, and without a warning, they will find themselves standing trails of shame Internationally chassed, and legally pursued for what they have done to my people, from crimes, abuse of power, and theft of our badly needed resources. In their support of a...

The Grinding of Humanity In Morocco. طحن الإنسانية في المغرب

Mouhcine Fikri, was a circumstantial dictatorial apartheid miserable poverty victim from Rif, and its prosecution by the French made mafia called "Al Makhzen" The crashed martyr, was making a living by selling fish, except for the quality of the fish in question, the expensive commodity was Destin for the European market, and not to be sold locally, for its high profits value, by the fishery mafia, and their greedy dictatorial decisions. Mouhcine Fikri, who purchased his merchandise from the fishing boat in the port, was arrested as he made his way out of the facility, targeted by the fish mafia, at its head the present billionaire Akhanouch, the douche the head of the Moroccan mafia al Makhzania, " The Depot", upon his arrest they confiscated his expensive fish The Sword fish in my opinion. A well-known police heists, when they confiscate your property for their own use. They called in a garbage truck to transport the sized fish, loading th...

The Ultimate Moroccan Betrayal. نهاية الخيانة المغربية

There are not enough words to describe the Nobility of Mr. Abdelkrim Al Khatabi./ May his soul rests in Peace. For he has shown the world the meanings of an extraordinary displayed, dignity, leadership courage, steadfastness, resolve, and the Glory of his victories over the force of darkness, the expansionists, slavers of humanity. The most respected Nobel leader Mr. Abdelkrim Khatabi, History of people's deadly struggles, with a foreign invading aggressor, The Name of a place in the Rif called- ''Anwal'', in association with the word " Combat" In its true historical sense, I should say PAPAPAPAPA 1921, wa a good year. If you could imagine a small army of my brave Amazighs Rifis, and their brother Abdelkrim, defeated a mighty evil, with little means, and hardly armed, or equipped to square with a modern army. We had none, when all the odds were in the enemy's side, The Invading well equipped Spanish, French, and the Moroccan slavers armies cam...

Dictatorship is the true cause of Poverty. الديكتاتورية المغربية واليوم العالمي للقضاء على الفقر

2022 Theme: Dignity for All in Practice The commitments we make together for social justice, peace, and the planet Dignity for all in practice is the umbrella theme of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty for 2022-2023. The dignity of the human being is not only a fundamental right in itself but constitutes the basis of all other fundamental rights. Therefore, “Dignity” is not an abstract concept: it belongs to each and every one. Today, many people living in persistent poverty experiences their dignity being denied and disrespected. With the commitment to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure all people everywhere enjoy peace and prosperity, the 2030 Agenda again gestured toward the same promise established under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Yet, the current reality shows that 1.3 billion people still live in multidimensional poverty with almost half of them children and youth. Inequalities of opportunities and income a...

The Moroccan dictatorship's crimes against Humanity.


Abolish dictatorships Now! ألغوا الديكتاتوريات الآن

Dictatorship in our times is a sin! We must end its Slavic Barbarian-horrors. Unfortunately, the Imperialist have designed its path, and devised its intricate subliminal conditioning therapeutic intrigues, and cherished the world unfamous dictators, the likes of Idi Amine Dadda, Boukassa, Hassan2, and Mohamed 6. The law of jungle; the primitive caveman, the hunter dominated his environment, and its nature, devoured everything in his capacity to dominate, trap, hunt and killed. For Survival, or gluttony? Greed, and the animal instinct to poses, simply give way to slavery by the same animal. The same untimed uneducated savage animal, in a form of a modern Homo-sapiens. The dictators are void of justice, common sense, decency nor logic, they have created miseries, cause famines, and wars, hatred, and racism, Dictatorship is a dangerous contaminating disease. For it harm to the social fabric of human race, and our planet Earth, we have to come up with solutions if we want to safeguard ...