20 Years Sentence for demanding basic Rightsحكم بالسجن لمدة 20 عاما للمطالبة حقوق الأساسية في المغرب

Nacer Zafzafi, took it up in himself to speak for the prosecuted Berbers in the Rif. The entire world turned its back to our legitimate struggle for what is rightfully ours! Well, since the imperialists, the corrupt Satanists worldwide, are profiting by the same medieval slavery practices, the international community, and its philosophers, professors, and the intellectual academia, are too concerned with a patch of land in North Africa, where tyranny is reveling with the face of the same pedophile European, American politicians! The same pigs or the Cabale, are well served, and extremely happy enjoying their profits from our blood, and their imposed, and supported slavery! Morocco, in its darkest times, will explode in their faces soon, and without a warning, they will find themselves standing trails of shame Internationally chassed, and legally pursued for what they have done to my people, from crimes, abuse of power, and theft of our badly needed resources. In their support of a brutal bloody cunning hypocritical despotism, they have wronged millions, assassinated, kidnapped, and tortured millions, under the guise of the so-called politicians, journalists, and investors. Revolutions are spontaneous, the explosive element is present in every Moroccan victim's heart, it's about a matter of a cross hair to ignite a big Kaboom! Rest assured no one will be speared nor excused, you will get what you have prescribed, we will make you taste your own medications in a doze, that we'll see appropriate! We will look for you in your homes, no matter where you maybe! We will be coming to get you legally you deserve to be ashamed, judged, and make amends for your vile devilish barbaric bloody save crimes against humanity, and my people. By Mr. Richard Azzouz. 10/28/22. Florida.


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