The Grinding of Humanity In Morocco. طحن الإنسانية في المغرب

Mouhcine Fikri, was a circumstantial dictatorial apartheid miserable poverty victim from Rif, and its prosecution by the French made mafia called "Al Makhzen" The crashed martyr, was making a living by selling fish, except for the quality of the fish in question, the expensive commodity was Destin for the European market, and not to be sold locally, for its high profits value, by the fishery mafia, and their greedy dictatorial decisions. Mouhcine Fikri, who purchased his merchandise from the fishing boat in the port, was arrested as he made his way out of the facility, targeted by the fish mafia, at its head the present billionaire Akhanouch, the douche the head of the Moroccan mafia al Makhzania, " The Depot", upon his arrest they confiscated his expensive fish The Sword fish in my opinion. A well-known police heists, when they confiscate your property for their own use. They called in a garbage truck to transport the sized fish, loading the expensive merchandise into the disposable Vehicule give the victim a feeling of hopelessness, so Mohcine without hesitation he jumped into the garbage truck hoping to salvage his Investissement, and the maigre livelihood, at this moment the police chief orders the truck driver '' THAN OMO" meaning "Grind his mother", or to Grinde the victim by operating the garbage truck mechanical pressing system, while Fikri Mouhcien is fighting to save his fish, and protecting himself from misery, a natural human instinct cause his trap, and the agonizing death, smashed, and squished like an irrelevant insect pressed, and entangled under and between the meatal jaws of a garbage truck, its operator, and the police mafia. A heartless racist terrorist brutal police state of colonial tyranny, the sons of Harkis, and French colonials, who's crimes against humanity, will be exposed the day of our glorious victory over the Satanists, and the bloody associates' accomplices. Historically Morocco is void of kindness, humanity, common sense. or could these descriptions be an exaggerated pigment of my imagination? My friends, it depends on how much you know about Morocco, and its deceptive hypocritical inherited Barbarian slavery? By Richard Azzouz. 10 28/22. Florida.
رسالة من معتقل السياسي محمد جلول في ذكرى استشهاد محسن فكري و انطلاق حراك الريف 2016 -هذا اليوم 28 اكتوبر 2022 تحل الذكرى السنوية السادسة لاستشهاد محسن فكري و انطلاق حراك الريف 2016...، وهي مناسبة لاستحضار روح الشهيد والوقوف ترحما عليه، ولنقول له لم و لن ننساك أيها الشهيد... - وهي مناسبة ايضاً لاستحضار ارواح كافة شهدائنا الأبرار و نضالات و تضحيات شعبنا التاريخية من اجل الحرية و الكرامة و من أجل وطن يتسع للجميع تصان فيه الحقوق الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والثقافية لمختلف مكوناته الجهوية التاريخية... - و هي كذلك مناسبة لتجديد المطالب من اجل الحقيقة و الانصاف ورفع كل أشكال الحيف عن الريف والريفين و عن كل مظلوم أو محروم أو مقصي في مختلف ربوع و جهات الوطن الكبير و اطلاق سراح كافة المعتقلين السياسيين و معتقلي الرأي... - وفي الأخير نجدد دعوتنا إلى الجميع للعمل من اجل الوحدة و التضامن و إصلاح ذات البين في سبيل ما يجمعنا و في سبيل الهدف النبيل، مؤكدين أن الانسان الحقيقي و الوطني الحقيقي و المناضل الحقيقي هو الذي يجعل المصلحة الجماعية والحرص على وحدة الصف فوق كل اعتباراته الشخصية ومستعد لخسارة نفسه من اجل ذلك.


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