The Ghosts of Imperial Slavery in America.

We live under a modern slavery. It's to them to elect the type of punishment we may suffer, be it psychologically, or a monotonous life style of a hopeless disoriented consumers, you see the passing trends, from the hippy era of Berkly University, and its flower resistance to the Vietnam war, and Rock and roll movement, the Doors, Beatless, and led Zeplin, to the controllers, the pushers, the dealer's dictated encouraged sides of views by Elton Johns, and his famous marriage on stage, to lady Gaga, and boy George. We have made many striving advances, since they have controlled that side of commercial mean less entertainment called Hollywood, or Holyweired. Mediocrity, and misinformation. In a deceptive Satanist's conspiracy, they have transformed the American society into a mediocrity of indifferent retarded Zombies. Stifled information, and concielled truth. Suffering from puberty complex, and the gender confusing analyses. Children snitching on their p...