Thank you, South Africa.

South African, the Algerian, the Irish, the American Indians, the Berbers of North Africa, and the Kurds, as well as every Nations, tribe, or societies who, suffered under a cruel Nazi/Zionist's indifference of colonial Barbarian's slavery mind set! Therefore, it's only natural for the subjected to reject and deplore in a revolting disgust the monstrosity of the bloody injustice of a spoiled Zionist's apartheid's chocking cruelty taking place today in Gaza! South African society is to be congratulated declared intention in esteem of its legal support, and its humanitarian courageous stand to the vicious Barbarian slavers. Abject genocides, war crimes.
Under the watch eye of the so called_ civilized European, and American sadistic responsible players.
The Imperialists see the profits in every opportunity regardless, while the conscientious see the human side, through the sympathetic empathy. History will not be kind to the American stand, nor Karma will be forgiving! "You get what you give." A crime is a crime.


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