
Showing posts from July, 2023

Joks on you.

Officially elected me to the vacant Confederate North African Presidency. As of today July 24th, precisely coinciding with my 73rd Birthday, in full health and sound mind. I proclaim myself the undisputed the one, the only President of the United N African Confederate Republic. Dear brother Ali Lmrabet, I need your help here. I want my Share of my heritage. Since they are dividing my land and its resources amongst these corrupt sons of traitors. I mean French agents, Harkis, and slaves' sons ( ''Walad al khawana wa al 3abid'). I need to know, who to address, for my legal share and my rights in my own Berber's occupied territory, or what department in what Ministery of misery shall I ask for my due share, and how much will I get considering how much should I ask for? While you are at it, please my dear brother, ask Al Hamouchi, and all Mkhaznia, journalists, and the Alouite Family members, the clergy too, why do they rape their Moroccans victims with bottles? ...

We are all Ali Lmrabet.

We should all thank Mr. Ali Lmrabet for his sincerity, steadfastness in caring, alerting, informing, counseling, and caring for our land heritage and what makes us a society and a Nation amongst other societies. In today's world. Neighbors, and foes alike, evaluate our progress, and test our duties, resolve, humanity. Mr. Ali Lmrabet's knowledge, love, and jalousie for our dignity and rights, unfortunately his gift didn't set well with the slavers! Since this apt excellent analytic expertise exposes a challenging pain of humility, and a dare to the ruling sacred colonial mafia's failures, errors, flagrant corruptions, prosecution arrests, kidnapping, torturing, and silencing of opposants in dungeons of horrors, and shame, arms twisting, blacklisting, and deception .. Morocco's downfall is the work of a small, disoriented spoiled bastard's sons of criminal the above the law cruel mafia of colonialist's attitudes, according to the behavior of French of...

Evidence of crimes, Accusing the Police States Turky, Morocco.

The above the law, the Imperialists superpowers, and their little subordinates states of slaves, Vs humanity's Destiney, and the historical course of our potential values of kindness, love, and compassion. Unfortunately, the Demonic sects Tragically They have permitted slavery in all of its exploitation's evil forms and disgrace, in the name of prosperity, ego and greed. Leading mankind, societies, and Nations to servitude the Bankers practice of exchange from raw materials to technologies and improvements of life in every sector, from health to education, transportation and infrastructures. Taxed services, labor to the cost of living. Traditional Boarders and national identity decreed by schemes, or violent incursions with a brutal aggressions and transgressions bloody-decisions. The greedy politicians, the corrupt evil the spokesman the champion who fronts the hidden cabal of a VIP influential Elite of connected criminals, power abusers. In strict secretive positions, ca...

The prosecuted Berber's Nation of North Africa

Today I see how the Algerian Army, is prosecuting my own people, the autochthones Berbers. Then I see the same Arabs complaining of Zionists occupation, and normalizations. How strange is that? When all of them are occupying my own proper N Africa! You think they may be nice to us? Richard Ben Azzouz @RichardAzzouz · 30m You have to negotiate with the autochthones Berbers! Stop the Arab's prosecution of my people now! Or we all go our ways! Arabs are invaders, who profited by inviting the French/Jacobite colonials into North Africa! We are for the unity of our nation in equality, not our persecutions.… " Je suis d'accord avec vous ! En Algérie, npus avons été trop influencés et façonnés par le monde arabe.. Plus maintenant Aujourd'hui en Algérie, tout le monde est sur le même pied d'égalité.. Nous essayons de marcher les uns a côté fes autres Ce n'est pas encore gagné, reste des haineux et des extrémistes de la...

Signaling crimes against humanity in the Rif. .

Signaling crimes against humanity. The slavers of North Africa,( The totalitarian-Moroccan regime) are chasing, dislodging, and replacing the autochthones Berbers with Arabs- and Africans immigrants, in the invaded, and the occupied Rif Republic, after the holocaust, massacres, and genocides, the Berbers of the Rif are oppressed, starved, marginalised,and prosecuted by the savage terrorist racist Arab regime of a cruel police state. MOROCCO 2022 HUMAN RIGHTS REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Mr. R. Azzouz. The elected Republican President of Morocco.