Joks on you.

Officially elected me to the vacant Confederate North African Presidency. As of today July 24th, precisely coinciding with my 73rd Birthday, in full health and sound mind. I proclaim myself the undisputed the one, the only President of the United N African Confederate Republic. Dear brother Ali Lmrabet, I need your help here. I want my Share of my heritage. Since they are dividing my land and its resources amongst these corrupt sons of traitors. I mean French agents, Harkis, and slaves' sons ( ''Walad al khawana wa al 3abid'). I need to know, who to address, for my legal share and my rights in my own Berber's occupied territory, or what department in what Ministery of misery shall I ask for my due share, and how much will I get considering how much should I ask for? While you are at it, please my dear brother, ask Al Hamouchi, and all Mkhaznia, journalists, and the Alouite Family members, the clergy too, why do they rape their Moroccans victims with bottles? ...