Evidence of crimes, Accusing the Police States Turky, Morocco.

The above the law, the Imperialists superpowers, and their little subordinates states of slaves, Vs humanity's Destiney, and the historical course of our potential values of kindness, love, and compassion. Unfortunately, the Demonic sects Tragically They have permitted slavery in all of its exploitation's evil forms and disgrace, in the name of prosperity, ego and greed. Leading mankind, societies, and Nations to servitude the Bankers practice of exchange from raw materials to technologies and improvements of life in every sector, from health to education, transportation and infrastructures. Taxed services, labor to the cost of living. Traditional Boarders and national identity decreed by schemes, or violent incursions with a brutal aggressions and transgressions bloody-decisions. The greedy politicians, the corrupt evil the spokesman the champion who fronts the hidden cabal of a VIP influential Elite of connected criminals, power abusers. In strict secretive positions, camouflaged within the bankers the clergy, the brothel managers, the force, and the judges with the real-estate's brokers. And so is the formula of a successful tyrannical totalitarian bloody criminal mafia pretending to be legitimate amongst other SOB members of the same persuasions and colonial education, the puppet idiotic criminal regimes at the United Nations. Richard Azzouz. Midnight Express, and Yole episodes to be re acted again! In Total secrecy, A political activist, under the name of Abdelfatah Abril, the YouTuber's channel "Al9ar3a TV" was studding Electronic Enginering in Turky, and who was extradited to Morocco, in a dark collaborations of lies, they accused him of terrorists acts? Both criminal dictatorial fascists police organization's- in their criminal enterprising, and evil exchanges. Drugs, and sex trafficking, where their victims have to face horror under the criminal justice system of the reputed tyrannical police state's vile treatments of Journalists, and the conscientious activists, who are suffering within the dirty walls of its lice infested dungeons of horror, and communicable diseases. After his disappearance for a lengthy illegal period, since 1/9/23, to 1/27/23. 17 days in the Turkish dungeons of the fanatic Turkish dungeons, from 1/27/23 to 1/31/23 he was in a solitary confinement, as if swallowed by the ground. A KIDNAPPING IN A TRUE SENSE OF CRIMINALITY! He was sentenced for 4 years ON THE January 31/23 for Political opinions, not as they have alleged in Turky! By the Kangaroo court of the totalitarian criminal mafia, transferred to Oukach, jail in Casablanca, and to a solitary confinement in secrecy where he was forced into a solitary confinement for 50 more days! Once introduced to another inmate is when he's story, and his whereabout became known to the world. Thanks to Noredine Aawaje who's telling this unfortunate story of the inhumanity, and the dark side of certain brutal criminal power abusers. This video will be entered as evidence of crimes against humanity. Thank you for sharing, and caring.


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