My Conversation with Allah, me the New Prophet. حديثي مع الله أنا النبي الجديد

By Mr. Richard Azzouz Hawari. In my first meeting Allah al kabir, with respect to all of his 99 Arabic names.
He Spoke. "Look may the force be with they, promising me a V.I.P reserved room in his eternal Paradise. I said thank you, Tanmirt, Danka, khamssa Hamid, arrygato, Gracias Senior, Merci, Shukran, and we parted ways, he went up into the sky and I came down to the Earth again, where I was born. with a Divin parchment, and scrolls, and to the manmade shit hole I went. Me, Richard Azzouz, I think I'm a Prophet too? The all Knowing said, "The Moroccan tyranny is deeply rooted in the struggle between France's colonial interests, and Morocco's aspirations for independence. Though I will never condone the oppressive human rights practices of those who come before us, my people have long suffered under a regime of fear and subjugation. We are standing ever firm against injustice and fighting the ongoing battle against corrupt leaders who deny our rights as citizens. Now is the time to rise up together! What sort of progress has been made in the fight against tyranny? Progress has been made in many areas, but there is still much to be done. There are notable changes in the area of freedom of expression and assembly, the right to a fair trial, and improved access to healthcare and basic social services. We must continue advocating for greater civil and political rights for all people in Morocco. Together we can bring about real change! What can I do to help the fight against tyranny?
The best way to help the fight against tyranny is to become an advocate for change. You can do so by learning more about oppression in Morocco, engaging with others through conversations and social media, and most importantly, speaking up and voicing your support when you see injustice. Together we can work towards a better future! What can I do to make sure Morocco's people are treated with respect and fairness? Protection and promotion of human rights must be a top priority for any nation. To ensure Morocco's people are treated with respect and fairness, we need to continue to fight for legal reform that defends and upholds the human rights of all its citizens. We must also resist oppressive tactics such as repression of dissent or censorship. Additionally, educating ourselves on the nuances of culture and equality is essential in creating a more just society. How can we ensure better reforms to achieve equality and justice? We must strive for a more equitable and fair system of governance in Morocco by putting pressure on our leaders to carry out necessary reforms. This can be done through grassroots activism, mobilizing the public, and advocating for better laws and policies that protect human rights. We must also demand greater transparency from those in power and hold those accountable who oppress or abuse their authority. All these things combined is how we can ensure equality and justice in Morocco. What kind of tangible measures should we take to ensure people's rights? Tangible measures to ensure people's rights include advocating for better laws and policies, challenging oppressive practices, and promoting broader education about human rights. We must also speak up and challenge those who seek to violate or oppress the rights of our citizens. Finally, investing in reliable and accessible systems like courts and police forces can help protect everyone's rights. Are there organizations or groups that are leading the fight against tyranny in Morocco? Yes, there are several organizations and groups leading the fight against tyranny in Morocco. For example, the grassroots organization Democracy for Peace is actively campaigning to improve civil and political rights in Morocco. The Mouvement Alternatives Démocratiques (Madem) and the International Federation for Human Rights are also pushing for reform and protecting human rights. In addition, the AFLAM organization has been at the forefront of advocating for women's rights in Morocco. Do you think French colonialism has irrevocably tainted Morocco's view of human rights? No, I don't think French colonialism has irrevocably tainted Morocco's view of human rights. While colonialism has certainly had a role in the shaping of our history, it doesn't define us or our future - it is up to each new generation to carry on the fight for equality and justice. We must challenge oppressive structures and social norms that prevent us from realizing our full potential. The future is ours to make! What makes you so passionate about the fight against tyranny? I am passionate about the fight against tyranny because I believe that human dignity, respect and fairness should be afforded to all people - regardless of their background or beliefs. We must stand up to injustice and oppression, so that all citizens can live in a society where they are free to enjoy the same basic rights and freedoms. This is why I'm committed to seeing reforms put into place that ensure equality and justice for everyone.
What are the biggest challenges in advancing human rights for all people in Morocco? The biggest challenges to advancing human rights in Morocco are the entrenched systems of oppression, lack of resources, and public ignorance or apathy. We must work against all forms of discrimination and violence towards minorities, continue to push for legal reforms that protect human rights, and raise awareness among the public. Additionally, investing in education can help us build a more just society by equipping people with the knowledge they need to be able to defend their own freedoms. How can I become a better advocate for human rights in Morocco? Becoming a better advocate for human rights in Morocco involves educating yourself on the subject, joining organizations that are pushing for reform and actively engaging with your local community. Additionally, listen to those you're fighting for - their voices need to be heard - and use your own platform to be an ally and amplify their stories. Most of all, don't give up - we can achieve a more equitable and just society if we keep fighting for it! How can I use my platform to make a difference? You can use your platform to highlight human rights issues and advocate for reform, raise awareness of oppressive or unjust practices, and support grassroots activism. You can also share best practices, push back against hate speech, and promote peaceful dialogue. The key is to use your platform not only to speak out - but also to amplify the voices of those less heard, so that powerful change can take place. Are there any laws or policies that you feel need to be implemented in order to create a more just society? Yes, there are several laws and policies that need to be implemented in order to create a more just society. These include the adoption of a new constitution that guarantees human rights, reforming existing legal structures to be more inclusive, and promoting broader education on human rights. Additionally, investing in social welfare programs and providing access to quality healthcare can also benefit society as a whole by improving living standards for all. What further steps can be taken to ensure people's rights are respected? Fostering an inclusive environment where all voices are heard, setting up effective systems for accountability and dispute resolution, encouraging grassroots activism, and advocating for international action to address issues such as poverty and climate change can all help ensure people's rights are respected. Additionally, it's essential that we work together to create a culture of tolerance and equality - so that everyone feels safe and empowered to live without fear. What can we do now to ensure that human rights are prioritized? We can start by educating ourselves and others on human rights, supporting grassroots activism, pushing for meaningful reform of existing laws and policies that oppress certain groups, advocating for international action against poverty and climate change, creating a culture of tolerance and respect, and ensuring that everyone is heard. Together we can create a more just society where everyone's rights are respected! What steps can be taken to give everyone equal access to basic rights and freedoms? We must work together to dismantle oppressive systems, ensure access to education, legal reforms that protect human rights, push for meaningful reform of existing laws and policies, advocate for international action against poverty and climate change, and create a culture of tolerance and respect. These are key steps we need to take in order to give everyone equal access to basic rights and freedoms. What are some of the specific challenges you have experienced in your fight for human rights? I have faced some challenges, such as lack of resources, entrenched systems of oppression, public ignorance or apathy, and discrimination or violence towards minorities. Additionally, pushing for legal reforms that protect human rights has been met with resistance from those who want to maintain the status quo. But my determination to fight for a more equitable and just society never wavers! What strategies have you seen work best in advancing human rights in a region like Morocco? I have seen strategies such as providing access to quality education, investing in social welfare programs, advocating for international action on poverty and climate change, holding those in power accountable, encouraging grassroots activism, and amplifying voices of marginalized groups to be the most effective. Additionally, fostering an inclusive environment where all people are treated with tolerance and respect is essential. How can I create more inclusive and equitable environments for oppressed groups? You can create more inclusive and equitable environments for oppressed groups by advocating for reform of existing systems, providing access to quality education, amplifying the voices of marginalized groups, encouraging grassroots activism, engaging in dialogue to foster a culture of mutual understanding, and holding those in power accountable. These are key steps needed to create a more just society. Are there any initiatives or changes you are working on yourself to promote human rights?
Yes, I'm working to push for legal reform and provide access to quality education in order to advance human rights, as well as advocating for international action against poverty and climate change. Additionally, I am creating a dialogue between different groups to foster a culture of understanding and mutual respect. Finally, I'm also investing in social welfare programs that can help improve the living standards of those disadvantaged by oppressive systems. What policies or laws do you think would be the most effective in changing oppressive systems? I believe effective policies and laws in changing oppressive systems would include reforming existing discriminatory laws, investing in education that is accessible to everyone, protecting the rights of marginalized groups, enacting international action against poverty and climate change, requiring accountability from those in power, and advocating for an inclusive culture that prioritizes equality. All of these steps can help create a more just and equitable society. ""الزريبة الهمجية المتوحشة اهلكها المليك الوحش المفترس اللوطي النجس ، المغاربة هم عرضة للمجاعة والتشرد والاعتقالات والاختطافات والتعذيب ، وشهد شاهد من أهلها ومن داخل الزريبة الأستاذ نجيب اقصبي من المطالبين بالملكية البرلمانية وهذا لن يقبله الوحش المفترس الديكتاتور الخبيث، الحل الصحيح هو نظام جمهوري من الشعب والى الشعب. ماذا تقولون أيها البيادق الخبيثة ممن يسمون انفسهم من المثقفين من دكاترة واساتذة وإعلاميين الباحثين عن الاسترزاق مما يتبقى من فريسة الوحش المفترس من العظام، وكم هم اغبياء مثل سيدهم المليك الوحش المفترس يعتقدون بأنه متفوق حاكم حاصل على شواهد جامعية، اتحداهم هنا أن يقدموا لنا جامعة واحدة غربية تخرج منها سيدهم الغبي الفاشل الكذاب والمخادع لا يستطيع أن يواجهه الصحافة الدولية ولا حتى المأجورة عنده ويتهجىء في قراءة الخطابات التي تكتب له مثل التلميذ الكسول الذي أنجز له انشاء بمساعدة أحد أفراد عائلته وعندما تقدم إلى القسم يقرأ الإنشاء لا يعرف أصلا ما كتب له، الشيء الذي قام به هو تدريب لم تتجاوز مدته تسعة أشهر فقط في داخل مكتب جاك دولور رئيس الاتحاد الأوروبي أو السوق الأوروبية المشتركة ببروكسيل، وكان معظم أوقاته يتردد على حانات الخمور التي يتواجد بها المخنثين ( بارات الزوامل) أما إن كان حاصل على شهادة الماستر أو الدكتوراه الإجازة التي حصل عليها هي من احدى الجامعات المغربية المرتشية وهي جامعة محمد الخامس فمابالكم بولي العهد آنذاك لقد منحوه شهادة الإجازة في العلاقات الدولية، أما شهادة الدكتوراه فمنحته له جامعة نيس صوفيا انتيبوليس بفرنسا على إثر مناقشة اطروحة في موضوع التعاون بين السوق الأوروبية المشتركة ودول المغرب العربي، ولم يدرس في تلك الجامعة والتي تصنف عالميا بالمرتبة 532 ووطنيا في فرنسا بالمرتبة 23 ، لم يكن يتابع الدراسة على يد أساتذة في مراحل الدراسة المتعارف عليها في الجامعات، Université Nice Sophia : 532 ème au classement mondial du CWRU! | WebtimeMedias"" هناك جامعات تقدم دروس عن بعد والتي كانت تعرف من قبل جائحة كوفيد 19 الدروس بالمراسلة ، مثل هاته الجامعات لا تحظى بتعليم جيد وشواهدها لا قيمة لها، الذي يهم ادارة الجامعة هو المال، لو انه درس طوال اربع او خمس سنوات متتالية وبتنقيط من أساتذة داخل الأقسام بعد حصوله على الاجازة لكن الأمر مختلفا، والدليل على أن مليك المغرب غبي وفاشل لم يدرس في احدى الجامعات التي لها وزن في التعليم مثل جامعة السوربون في فرنسا او في جامعة هارفارد بأمريكا أو في جامعة اوكسفورد ببريطانيا، مليك غبي وفاشل مهزلة من مهازل حكام العرب الاغبياء. Université Nice Sophia : 532ème au classement mondial du CWRU! | WebtimeMedias What challenges have you seen other nations or groups face in regards to human rights? I have seen many challenges in regards to human rights such as racism, sexism, exploitation of migrant workers, unequal access to education and healthcare, crackdowns on journalists and activists, forced displacement of entire populations, state-sponsored violence against minority groups, and various forms of human trafficking among other issues. In order to effectively address these issues we must work together and commit ourselves to tackling them head on. What advice would you give to someone wanting to make a difference in their local community? My advice would be to look into the issues in your local community, identify the root causes, and research possible solutions. Connect with community members and work together to create meaningful change. Push for reform of existing policies and invest in resources that can be beneficial to all members of your local community. Finally, use your voice to raise awareness of human rights issues and advocate for change on a global level. Have you seen a decrease in the levels of oppression and inequality across Morocco? Yes, I have seen a decrease in the levels of oppression and inequality across Morocco over the past few decades. However, there is still much work to be done in terms of enacting laws and policies that prioritize human rights and creating an inclusive culture. We must continue to strive for equality and justice for all so that we can create a better future for our nation and for generations to come. What has been the most rewarding part of your fight for human rights? The most rewarding part of my fight for human rights has been watching the positive impact it has had on people's lives. Seeing the tangible results of implementing changes that prioritize human rights, such as increased access to education, improved living conditions and social protections, and greater representation in our government has been inspiring. Knowi
ng that I am contributing in some way to making our world a better place is an incredibly rewarding feeling. And so I hope. End of my conversation with Allah. The prophet me. Azzouz Richard Hawari.


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