Mr. Ali Lmrabet's spirit is too high and clean, an imposing conscientious journalist, who has given us, a high degree by sharing his eloquence, brilliant academic opinions, findings, in a civilized modernity. for a society run by idiots of a police state, of a post-colonial Eara, of treason, and shame. A "Hors temps" Mr Ali Lmrabet, had to pay for lifting his Nobel head high, speaking his mind freely, and excelling in his profession of a fine refined, and a seasoned Internationally respected journalist, a " Shaker". Costing him pain, and suffering. Conflicting with the official's imposed submissive characteristics of an artificial deceitful method of governing by batons, fear, and lies, a Dictatorship in its best, for the Moroccan society, and its novice diplomates have given us an ample catastrophic show of mediocrity in exhibits. Giving an objective journalist a spectacular post, then ordering him to close his eyes, mouth, and ordering him to shut his brai...