Journalist’s Cemetery.
We deserve what we
didn’t earn nor fought for! In this case it’s the shame! Yes, shame on us if we
don’t stand for our rights.
In the face of the
colonial tyranny, the same criminals will go to extreme measures to deny our
rights, to better life, democratic process, equality, and the pursuit of
happiness in this extremely corrupt Moroccan society!
The inherited subhuman residues of a brutal protectorate deal
between the French fascists, and the invading opportunist's slave’s traders, who
are still in the helms of a brutal sadistic undemocratic cruel “ Makhzen”; “The
slave’s Depot” We have survived the brutal French pacification, and its
humiliating episodes in every sensitive part of our being, form dignity, to
identity, to sacrality all but smashed, and bulldozed by the same criminals,
and associates!
In short, to these guilty assassins, brutal-torturers,
slaves; the journalistic profession, is a terrifying monster, and it must be
fought by falsehood, and religious deflections, and absurd lies.
Ben Kiran, is a well-known Islamist pretender, a
professional Charlton, a suck-Ass opportunist, at the service of his masters,
and the Cherifieen family the pretenders! Today, the corrupt Benkarian, is paid
handsomely to attack me! The Moroccan activists, Mr. Ali Lamrabet, and the
democratic process! The intimidator agent of tyranny, dictatorship, absolutism,
fascism, apartheid racist the criminal!
His father was known
for ‘The Mon’s landing’s lie” Making Mohamed5 the first astronaut. It was Ben
Kiran’s father who concocted the brainwashing trick of a Sainthood, and sacrality,
and miracles of superstitions by the spoken divine might of the pretending Holy
Saints!? The opposition to these preached ridiculous narratives constitutes a
dangerous opposition, because in the journalistic exposes, mind control evaporates,
and the truth surfaces; calling a cat a cat, will cost you pain, jail time,
rape with sharp object, and assassination in Morocco! Therefore, in supporting
our honest, honorable journalists the likes of Mr. Ali LAMRABET, we stand for
what is right! By Mr. Richard Azzouz.9/15/22. Florida.
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