

La sincérité dû cas d'un accuser traitre ou double agent agitateur espion ! Ou les enjeux secrets des malintentionnés criminels manipulateurs et agendas Démonique des infiltrats saboteurs. Pourquoi l'accuser Sansal, n'a-t-il pas concentré, et conserver son énergie, et facultés pour aider, et à défendre les droits des Algériens, contre la propagande des voleurs, et agitateurs Sionistes esclavagistes ? Pourquoi il n'a pas milité pour le bien, et intérêts de la société Algérienne, et Algériens ? Avancer, et de se libérer des gâchés opportunistes manipulateurs de l'opinion publique ? Fichiste coloniales traitres ! Les causes des Algériens tout d'abord, cette liberté', et leurs démocraties donc ils nous parlent les corrompus-lâches, opportunistes, esclavagiste- haineux, et vicieux pédophiles, trafiquants-hypocrites, où est-il cette liberté' chez les Marocains, e les amants chéri de la France, et culture des lumières et bêtise d'arrogants Galois, Par...

Our World. The Nuts House

Our crazy world' and its Insanity. Actually there are some behavior similarities of certain societies to asylums for the mentally deranged dangerously violent vicious patients around the world. Except they are called Nations by the same patients pretending to care for the mentally deranged subjects within the walls of hidden crazy places, unfortunately or by design these ill characters, are walking amongst us, and they hold seats at the United Nations as well playing all of us for fools! Some of them have prescribed medications for the entire world populace, and had the power to enforce a government dispensing of poisonous ills, shots, for experiments of power garbing, totalitarian's projections of a unified new world order, have created many dangerous viruses with ante dots for their commercial benefits, they have to wash their inventions through their controlled media of the same mentally ill bastards with imaginary fatal flew costly commercialized remedies, and c...

The Genocidal Zionists Criminals at Large.

The genocidal criminal Naytan Yahoo has lied to the world and persuaded the United States' political elite to enter into dangerous adventursts gunho wars in the Mideast. A grave, and costly horrific errors, drowning our economy, and soiling the American reputation worldwide! Today we are bleeding in shame, if not crying in silence. Our nation is mismanaged as it is apparently clear by the results of Doge investigations into the wast of trillions of dollars in fatalities of elitists corrupt Jackasses of the last minute. Why are we involved in genocides, children's killing for sport, men rapping in the Israeli's custody, forced starvation of the Palestinians, ethnic cleansing by an apartheid racist's Zionist outlaw criminal invention!? What's left of the American spirit worth respecting? We are in serious shit if we don't turn this thing around and hit back to a safer zone free of greedy criminal bastard's stewardship. American interests first! Israe...

Who Assassinated the Whore Spy? And why?

Honey traps fixer a spy turned a pimp, a whore and a pedophile's pusher. Complimenting the corrupt in complicity of a complicated horrific children's abuse, slavery you may say, if you really care, for the poor, used and abused behind closed doors. A Madame Epstein playing a whores a pimp, a pedophile's fixer for the renown clients of hell to Epstein the whore's Island they fly. Epstein the Israel Mossad spy, they run in jets of all jet sets taking up to the air with flair, arrogance, of egoist's rich expense. The pride and joy of belongng to the above the law elite of the elitists Royals and all that is a bliss, pain inflicted on the poor defenseless child was their pleasureful joy. Oh! Holy erection given to violent push penetrations and robe, and pain to the little vagina's, and anus's of children slaves and amusement toys, sold kidnapped it's all the same, a crime is a crime who cares in the above the law circles evil fagots and whores having t...

The New International Criminal Paradigm

Let's dive into the historical soup, and its deluded facts, reasons, and why? Contrary to the propagandist's Jewish deceivers motives of evasive nature of Jewish history and its chronology. In conflict with what is true, and what is wrong and hard to understand? First, let me remind you of Palestine or its original name "Philistine". "The land of milk and Honey." You remember how it is described in the Bible of a Roman Emperor? Did Constantine decide what books belonged in the … Constantine was a Roman Emperor who lived from 274 to 337 A.D. He is most famous for becoming the single ruler of the Roman Empire (after deceiving and defeating Lucius, his brother-in-law) and supposedly converting … Philistine. Desired by the greedy Jews, and given to them by an imaginary monster called their nepotist, bloody imaginary-racist historical Evil, vile, and cruel-terrorists special revered scary monstrous Jewish-God! Who has decided to select the Jews, to do h...

Where are we with The Palestinian's rights?

Here is, a piece of recent evidence to back your claims that your Palestinian land was at the hands of the imperial forces of yesterday's colonies, and their ridiculous abject enslavement of humanity, through brute force of invading greedy savage Barbarian- pirates, and slavers of dark age exported European BRUTAL TYRANNIES. Today their shameful score is above 18000 children killed for sport, countless, if not too many Medical Doctors/journalists liquidated in cold blood to keep the world in the dark, while they rape their kidnapped Palestinian men victims. The entire Palestinian population is made homeless, and in rubles, while they are promoting a cardinal crime of ethnic cleansing, on top of it all; in their controlled narrative's biased one-sided hypocritical racist propaganda. In a world oblivious to International courts of justice's verdicts, global accusatory demonstrations, uproar, disbelieve and dismay! By the way, I'm an American citizen/ Haouar...

It's time for drastic Changes.

I want to go home! I miss my family and friends. I must preside over the changes in Morocco. Do you think the Moroccans are in charge of the fascist police state's civil codes- affairs, or do they have a say in their society's destiny? If so please tell me more, because something is wrong with what I think is the Moroccan tyranny, that needed to be fixed a long time ago. Could you conceive of the Moroccan Monarchy, as they like to be called, and who are here accused of a cruel apartheid slavery affair, crimes and challenged by a simple civil task of citizenship's rights? You think the illegal corrupt invading racist Moroccan criminal organization of secrets, and deceptions, here is accused. You think they will respect my rights, and allow me, the granted rightfully privilege, permitting all of us abroad political refugees to return to our motherland, our legal legitimate inheritance by birthright to live and be free, in respect of full liberty without the usual hindran...