Our World. The Nuts House

Our crazy world' and its Insanity. Actually there are some behavior similarities of certain societies to asylums for the mentally deranged dangerously violent vicious patients around the world. Except they are called Nations by the same patients pretending to care for the mentally deranged subjects within the walls of hidden crazy places, unfortunately or by design these ill characters, are walking amongst us, and they hold seats at the United Nations as well playing all of us for fools! Some of them have prescribed medications for the entire world populace, and had the power to enforce a government dispensing of poisonous ills, shots, for experiments of power garbing, totalitarian's projections of a unified new world order, have created many dangerous viruses with ante dots for their commercial benefits, they have to wash their inventions through their controlled media of the same mentally ill bastards with imaginary fatal flew costly commercialized remedies, and conspiracies to dominate the world's resources, by reducing us to labs rats with clinical statistic fatality charts and categorical tags. Morocco for instance has qualified itself to be an upgraded somber case of deranged behavior, or a country managed by mental patients pretending to be guardians administrators of the mentally retarded asylum. The Europeans have copied the Moroccan patient's project, and succeeded in implementing the same police state's regiments. The administrators of said mental institutions have tasted the fringes and the profits they draw from selling drugs, and people's rights to please the pharmaceutic pushers, the dope peddlers, arms dealers, vices and political prostitution made many European officials richer, some got caught in spying circles for foreign dictatorships of mental institutions. The United States, caravans of mentally deranged idiots hicks, HillBillys, for corrupt politician are pushing USA in the hands of foreig dictators, manipulators criminals. Thus America is not far behind as we are living these present days under the patients running the circus in a mental institution, called the Congress of rabid AIPAC loyals the fascists clans, dogs, and corrupt selfserving pigs exchanging votes for vices, medication and a monetary fix. The same mental patients at the top are pissing their skirts exposed genocidal bloody accomplices of Gaza's Barbarian's terror, corrupt vicious criminals running a nut house, rather than respecting the constitutional rights, and the citizen's dignity. Amnesiac world of greedy fascists hiding behind the evening narratives of a special insane insanity called the legendary media of the same culprits pushers, who's dirty long hovering,engulfinge monetary systems investing in all commodities including speculations of insect's droppings called packaged overpriced fertilizers, and mental patient's feces and occastional dère's gas. Richard Azzouz. 2/27/25 USA.


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