It's time for drastic Changes.
I want to go home! I miss my family and friends.
I must preside over the changes in Morocco.
Do you think the Moroccans are in charge of the fascist police state's civil codes- affairs, or do they have a say in their society's destiny? If so please tell me more, because something is wrong with what I think is the Moroccan tyranny, that needed to be fixed a long time ago. Could you conceive of the Moroccan Monarchy, as they like to be called, and who are here accused of a cruel apartheid slavery affair, crimes and challenged by a simple civil task of citizenship's rights? You think the illegal corrupt invading racist Moroccan criminal organization of secrets, and deceptions, here is accused. You think they will respect my rights, and allow me, the granted rightfully privilege, permitting all of us abroad political refugees to return to our motherland, our legal legitimate inheritance by birthright to live and be free, in respect of full liberty without the usual hindrance, and oppressive interference slapped on opinions or the opposition to tyrannical blante common- violations by a rigid police state's slavery? By the way, there are millions like me on the blacklists marked for torture, kidnapping, and imprisonment in the subhuman Royal dungeons of horrors and shame, because we objected, Tweeted or posted our opposing opinions on social media. The names, circumstantial shreds of evidence, and crimes of the Royal despotic- clan will be submitted upon request! What is my assertion to a legal birth claim here in this awkward situation I find myself in? My identity is that to inherit the historical Nobility's reputation of Hawara, large family's rights and heritage have guaranteed my rights to live a free man's life, or to fight to death the aggressor invader! By comparison to the criminal's motives, circumstances of a colonial dictatorship, and its horrific deceptions, accomplices, and stupid narratives. My circumstantial motives herein stated and supported by evidential undisputed facts of historical chronologies of converging facts, and events stated below or above. To run for the election as a Presidential candidate, a challenger to the colonial's regimen of power abuse, flagrant crimes against humanity, thievery, corruption racism, and the prosecutions of the autochthonous Berbers, by the elitist colonial agent's opportunists, and their volumes of unsolved crimes against humanity! This is a crucial awakening moment for the pursued guilty accomplices-criminals to come clean, the opportunity to repent slightly absolve themselves, and their families's names, and reputations, and to come clean for good once and for all. Addressing the opportunists-French colonial dogs who make (AL
.) The Privileged bourgeoisie clan of elitist controllers of Morocco's natural resources, and economy and their fake corrupt facades of a peculiar political conceptual practice of occultists deceptions by slavers imposed fanatic antiquity mentality and the alarming. The rampant administration-sanctioned terrorism, and lack of checks and balances. Due to the revolting lack of decency compassion, Apathy, and civility. Exposed and shown by the horrific treatment suffered by the Moroccans at the hands of the corrupt cruel Moroccan judiciary, and its dark Bazaar's administration corrupt alleyways, void of transparency, decency and justice. Is it not only decently fair for Moroccan society to live, strive, and aspire to a decent lifestyle in the democratic equalities of our modern l times? Reflected by a merciful dignified body of respectable fairly transparent governance methods of a new constitution by the people for the people? Moroccan must break away from the bandage of imposed sordid cultural antiquity! For the first time in the absurdly documented criminal colonial slavery state of Morocco, we are presented with an opportunity for change for the better the moment is at hand! Now is the appropriate time to change course democratically, we must have a free election of a Republican moderate candidate willing to reform Morocco! No fear. Fear nothing but fear. It's all a perception. Now, that we know of the exposed criminal history of facts, deeds, wrongs, corruptions, injustice and horrors by the opportunists- fascist Draconian's criminal police state's agents, the terrorists for hire, and the Moroccan brutal Monarchy the Holy tyrannical clan of the spoiled golden spoon childish brats Royal, the VIP club of above the law lovers, and prostitutes dogs, and pigs. Richard
. Defacto presidential Candidate of the Moroccan Republic. 2/19/25 Florida.
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