
Showing posts from January, 2025

From a Barbarian to the Civilized Cowards.

What revolts me as an American citizen, a filmmaker, and an Army linguist, Major GS12. A journalist and human rights advocate. Me, Rahal Azzouz Haouari (AKA) Richard Azzouz Haouari. Me, the Barbarian, with an axe to grind, and issues with the vicious, demonic, self-centered criminals, as it is fair, and just, the guilty responsible criminals should be exposed! It pains me when I see Americans neglected in more ways than I could describe by the same corrupt, racist administrations, taking turns impoverishing the neglected Americans and destroying the future of humanity.While the American administrations are in cohorts with clients and corrupt tyrants accomplices supporting criminal terrorists' activities globally, like the despicable dictatorships of cruel spoiled European colonialists satellite regimes in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and South America. The Zionists, with trillions of American hard-earned dollars!? As I remember well, after the Kennedy (JF...

Morocco Then, and Now.

Morocco, as it is nowadays, is a French-made brothel! An unheralded, shameful mixture of ethnic immigrants, historical leading events, catastrophic circumstances, and colonial opportunities and tragedies. Excluding the free resistants who have objected to the tyranny of the Sultans of Fes and their realm expenditure into the depths of the Berber's territories, resulting in the encirclement of Fes, the siege of 1908 by the Berber tribes of Sanhaja, Zanata, and Haouara. The catastrophic event led the enterprising elitists, Fasi and their Sultan, to invite their French Jacobite commerce looters and Satanist swindler allies, as in the French Protectorate of 1912. Invading slavers pretending to be divine, Holley invites the French as protectors and accomplices. Years of resistance, armed skirmishes, enmities, pain, and suffering under the iron and gunpowder. BY DEPRAVING THE CITIZENS FROM THE RULES OF LAW and inviting more slavery through its colonial-designed tyranny of a totalita...

The Consciousness Heroine.

A story deserving of your attention. How an innocent witness, working as a translator in the Israeli ministerial cabinet, exposed the Zionist's pit of poisonous and dangerous sneaks in their daily administrative criminal activities. They had conspired in unison with demonic evil, intending and planning to commit mayhem and mass killing in public places to gain international sympathy, at the same time putting the blame on the Palestinians for political gains in the international propaganda effects. Repulsed and revolted by their nauseating criminal cruelty, conspiring to commit numerous massacres and to deceive, betray, and murder the Palestinian negotiators, who have escaped their trap thanks to the translator who alarmed the intended victims of a set trap. Not all Jews are cruel or bad. There is lots of good out there. Love and peace. Justice for all or bust! No justice,...

La France Sioniste.

Les responsables politiciens, les corrompus pédophiles colons Français Jacobites, s'énervent puisqu'ils ont échouer de rendre, et réduire la chère Algérie, telle, et comme leurs héritage bordels a Marrakech, et leurs bases, des basses. Esclaves et voyous ou ils se tapent les petits, e Marocains a leur gréé, satisfactions et joies, sous protection du chien Roi agent des baizades, et promenades des gaspillages nourrissantes l'économie Français Sioniste ! Affamer les Harkis, les maux traiter par la clique de Ba Sidi, père traitre le Négro baiseurs des mamas et fils de cette tyrannie Jeu ivette-Alaouite Chérifienne et de l'enfer d'où elle vient, pour avaler nos biens, et de nous chasser de chez nous, ou nous torturer en plein nuits froides en spectacle d'horreurs pour leurs plaisirs des sadomasochistes devant cette France des lâches voleurs abroutis sauvages, opportunistes, qui les appuis. Cette veille veuve France cruelle, l'amalgame brutal, ...

Free Palestine Now!

Palestinians deserve liberty, and Palestine is their nation! This is what Palestinians are returning to. This is what Israel did thinking they won’t return. Throughout my existence, I fought for the rights of others. My conscience, heart and soul had my back. I have never regretted my decision or action as a warrior, but my pride. Come what may! In the case of this century's crimes against humanity, in occupied Palestine. He was r@ped & t0rtured to d€ath in 1$ra€li custody! A doctor! Who is the criminal who did this? John Hopkins delete study from their website proving Israelis are NOT Semitic. I intend to make it clear to a corrupt world of cowardly opportunists. Legally, the Palestinian people have the same rights as any society or nation to self-determination and sovereignty free of foreign prejudice, coercion, interference or hindrance. Here I hold humanity accountable for not s...

The Zionist's Apartheid Genocides, Politics, Media hypocrisy in Focus.

Richard Azzouz. ⵄⵣⵣⵓⵣ @RichardAzzouz Your deceptive zionist lies and crimes against humanity know no boundary Jew boy. A lying genocidal demon, still insisting on being a righteous criminal Jew. What is your excuse? Let me correct your bullshit, right here and for the last time, because I don't like idiots to phantom winning a loaded argument. The Arab world is a staged colonial play, A co-production of a bloody hellish heist cosponsored by two pirate parties the Britsh, and the French, the two Jacobite Zionist gangster agents. To whom the Zionist fanatics demons owe the poisonous gift, the illegal occupation status of Zionist brutal apartheid colonialism the guilty terrorising of the poor isolated Palestinians! Now pay attention little conflicted paranoiac Jew; First of all. The Palestinians have more than their legal right to their own properly occupied Palestine! 2nd, The proposed traitors Arab gangster's colonial tyrannies. T...