La liberte' d'expression chez les Esclavagistes.
Mr. Ali Lamrabet, the well deserving of intellectual respect, and consideration, the renowned International Journalist editor, has been targeted by the unelected illegal Moroccan despotic mobsters (Mkhaznis)
His rich provocative editorial line is unwanted by the accused corrupt colonial agents.
Criminals who are hired to work days and nights for the benefits of dictatorial- tyrannical ends, labouring harder against the intellectual opposition like myself, and many unhappy journalists behind bares in his Majesty's dungeons of horrors, if "Tazmamert." The horrific secret Royal Dungeon of horrific conditions didn't make it to the top historical list of humanity's regrettable atrocious subhuman unwanted cruelty. When a decent Moroccan journalist attracts attention to such vulgar practiced criminal deception, he becomes a target of tugs and their police corrupt state of mobster's colony! Subjecting the opposition to kidnapping, torture, and imprisonments, under falls pretexts. practiced
What about exposing the Moroccan criminals like the "Mkhazni' treasons in supporting a total dictatorship?
The situation in Morocco, particularly regarding the treatment of journalists and political dissidents, is indeed concerning. Reports from various sources highlight the repression and human rights abuses faced by those who speak out against the government. Journalists like Hicham Mansouri have faced severe consequences, including imprisonment and exile, for their investigative work. Human Rights Watch has documented numerous instances of unfair trials, character assassination, and physical violence against dissidents2. The U.S. Department of State also reports significant human rights issues, including torture, arbitrary arrests, and restrictions on freedom of expression.
It's crucial to continue raising awareness about these issues and supporting organizations that advocate for human rights and press freedom. If you want to take action, consider supporting international human rights organizations or spreading awareness through social media and other platforms
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