Fight the evil Dark force with me.
I'm a light worker on a mission.
I work with the watchers, and the builders.
My mission is to shed the light on the dark side of things!
I have exposed countless deceits, and the guilty culprit's demons behind all the ills in our Galaxy and beyond! Sincerely, the Imperial force from Dracon is fighting me, just as I'm fighting their agents' culprits' controller's intimidators,the greedy-cowards, the deceivers, the cheap- demonic occultists-criminals!
I have told you so! The evil demonic greedy beasts are the cause of all ills!
Their motives are to possess everything there is, as in total control of our destiny. Their drive is to impoverish as in to enslave and degrade humanity to weaken its institutions, to serve their Satanist's occultists ends! Their devilish agenda is to own it all! Regardless of come what may! Our duty is to expose their crimes against humanity, and treacheries, deceptions, and crimes against humanity! Be vigilant! The true Demons are amongst us, they look human, but they are not! They own the media, and the Banks, religion is their deceptive tool!
Go in peace. I love you. Protest, and expose. The hypocrites evil doers Reptilians amngst us.
My soul reflects love vibration, and colors, and wisdom.
I hope to put you in the scope of the true reality of our dimension, and the timeline. focus on the Now!
I'm The censured provocatory force,I'm the censored light worker.
Mr. Azzouz Hawari at the service of humanity, in another word, "The underdog." I love you, Go in peace.
Children's world of idiots? Or the Satanist's lunatics Demonic Deceivers?
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