A Revolution in Morocco, or a coup d'état?
By Richard Azzouz Hawari.
The exploited Moroccans. A mafia of strangers connected to the Royal colonial French family members, are in a total control of economical, and the corrupt political nerves of Morocco. I consider Morocco, under such brutal apartheid-police state to be a foreign colonial's satellite! The totalitarian despotic Moroccan regime offers no security nor civility, nor human rights to its victims under oppression, and prosecution. Political prisoners, journalists, and bloggers are suffering in horrific Barbarian conditions in the corrupt unhuman primitive dungeons of shame. The dictator Mohamed6 is absent most the time out of the country chasing boys, and fun spending the ill-gotten billions, or sick seeking treatments traveling around the world's elite's clinics. In my opinion Morocco, is nearing a total revolution, the needy impoverished majority is unhappy. The army, and the govt are run by the privileged rich lands owner's the well to do families of French collaborators. A catastrophic institutional corruption is spreading discontent in general. The hypocrite dirty clergy clans are corrupt and owned.

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