I'm the Devine Truth, Amen. Your God, Allah, Jesus, or what have u?

By Amen-God himself, or his Devine cousin Richard AZZOUZ Hawari, the Devine Truth.
The brutal satanists Talmudists children's killers are starving the isolated Palestinians/Arabs, under a fascist atrocious Barbarian bloody occupation of Palestine!
As your God's cousin I curse the entire human race for your complicity, and indifference. Me, your God's cousin Hawari. I demand my share, and what is rightfully mine from the charlatans in the Vatican, Mecca, and elsewhere, where the name of my cousin God, or Allah, or Jusus, or Moses or what have you in your confused mental states. My Devine decree goes as fallow. To allocate my inheritance Devine Gold-money's interests in a substantial Godly value, and to print my pictures in your bank notes, as your God supreme, or his rightful substitute cousin.
You may call me the emperor God of the little warmongers, my brutal hardened demonic, hellish, pedophiles, Satanists, Barbarians-slaves of mine. I command you to pray to me 10 times a day, on your knees, and to sacrifice your first born to me, if you want my benedictions, and a furnished condo in my brothel- Paradise project. Send the Billions in Gold bouillons, if you seek a Godly conference, or a favor. Your unquestioned Slaver Amon Ra's cousin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hBBb3W81yg&t=198s
In conclusion; Viva Italia, and the world of brave men, and our brave women, who stand for human rights, love and peace!! Soon the entire world will look like Gaza due to a virus called "Zionism." We offer you a curable vaccine called "KHAMASSS, OR HOOOTIS." Don't take Hezbollah for paranoia, or hysteria sickness, unless you check with me for the appropriate doze. As for the above vaccines, will be delivered to the enter continents ballistically, free of cost to the Zionist's supporters, who could not hold their bowel movements, or affordable a conscience. It will cure your elusions, it will humble you, it will cure your egoistic Racism, fascism, imperialism, and the pedophilia of the elitist's warmongers. As soon as we take care of many sick bastards who are suffering from colonial's slavery syndromes, like for instance the Arab's despots' dictators, the dogs, the traitors who have sold their own people, and provided evil with fuel.


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