Zionist's war criminals, and Accomplices.
By Richard Azzouz Hawari, The Major.
I urge you to support humanity's rights for a decent peaceful existence, by forwarding this declaration to your representatives. And to keep its flames burning till the end of time. Because "A crime is a crime!" To whom it may concern, We the Americans should shoulder the guilt of supporting the Demonic State of the Zionists terrorists!
An International academic committee for facts finding study is urgently needed to conduct an open investigation. As well as an international trail for the war criminals, and the guilty accomplices of crimes against humanity. Since we have been paying and supporting the cruel criminal occupation of Palestine by Trillions of Taxpayers hard earned money, while we have deprived our own from the deserved basic assistance. We have to know exactly how they have been treating their victims in the occupied Palestine. We hold the American propaganda machine of the conglomerates streamed media, Hollywood, and all political accomplices, for dehumanizing the innocent victims of an illegal savage Satanist's apartheid, of bloody cruel psychopath's murderers, torturers lunatics.
Israel's criminal politician's abject unhuman treatments of their Palestinian victims, under the watch eyes of a racist's degenerate's sadists, who turned a blind eye, to the Zionist's evil deeds. While the Imperialist's schemers, abused the isolated Palestinians, who are made to suffer in a heinous Draconian silence, for decades. Turning Gaza into a Bloody Zionist's black-market prison-lab, where body parts, are illegally harvested without the consent of their dehumanized brutalized innocent victims! If the United States's politicians, and the White House stand behind such immoral transvestic fascists criminality of a Draconian era, then we must know their roles in this shameful conspiracy of a brutal tyrannical tragedy!
In accordance with our constitutional rights, and American values, we deserve to know, as in freedom of information act! As I urge the consciousness to support our American justice process. Sincerely Mr. Richard B Azzouz. The Major.
A perfect mog criminal's association's shot.
The pyramid of horrors, and shame. A posing picture of a united criminal's association of tyrants fraudulently passing for a Bonafede officials in a world of despotic dictators, corrupt sadistic criminals, and lunatics heads of states!
A wanted-out laws gang of Satanists-fascists evil doers. Bloody-Occultists-Monsters. Center the despot totalitarian dictator of French/Morocco, Mohamed6 the traitor/ tyrant. On the left the fugitive Abdellatif Hamouchi, the sadist criminal murderer, and the torturer of the Rif Republic's isolated, and prosecuted Berber's population. To the right the famous official Zionist terrorist, Yaakov Shabtai, here to share the infamy prize with his associates' criminals, and the document their flagrant violations, and crimes against humanity, and to boost of their above the law standards! In a world of Satanists, demons, and Monsters, at the helm of international corrupt criminal affairs of sadistic Satanists bloody pedophiles.
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