Zionist's war criminals, and Accomplices.

By Richard Azzouz Hawari, The Major. I urge you to support humanity's rights for a decent peaceful existence, by forwarding this declaration to your representatives. And to keep its flames burning till the end of time. Because "A crime is a crime!" To whom it may concern, We the Americans should shoulder the guilt of supporting the Demonic State of the Zionists terrorists! An International academic committee for facts finding study is urgently needed to conduct an open investigation. As well as an international trail for the war criminals, and the guilty accomplices of crimes against humanity. Since we have been paying and supporting the cruel criminal occupation of Palestine by Trillions of Taxpayers hard earned money, while we have deprived our own from the deserved basic assistance. We have to know exactly how they have been treating their victims in the occupied Palestine. We hold the American propaganda machine of the conglomerates streamed me...