Earthquake in the Satanist's realm. زلزال في عالم الشيطان
By the Elected President.
According to Mr. Ali Lmrabet, our respectable Journalist '' The Moroccan system is well prepared to break its people's bones, rather than come to their help when its needed."
I add like in their absence to help the Earthquake's Berber victims! An apartheid racist criminal mafia
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"As usual the criminal dictator M6 the thief, hides at the needed moment of catastrophic events. When he shows up, is to bury the victims, and to collect contributions for his Bank accounts! In the Satanists Kingdome of horrors, and shame, how does he get away with it you may ask? Considering Morocco, is a colonial setup, adding the illiteracy as a major dictator’s tool of oppressive slavery politic. In Morocco, the colonial French machine made sure to play with religious sentiments at first.
Do the naïve considered the invaders as an ally cause of the common belief, untrenched in the popular artificial hypocrisy of respecting the sacred teachings of Saints and the holey Coran’s spirit?
Today, giving a fact to this ridiculous reality, it will suffice to mention the word Allah, or Islam for the naïve to trust your conveyancing point of Vue, argument or agreement regardless of its credibility. An easy infiltrating scheme for the criminal, the invaders, pedophiles, and fascists to sew, dictate, transgress, assassinate, to control the childish minds, to steel, and to enslave the gaolable- naïve illiterate population with the help of a corrupt clergy community the opportunist hypocrites Islamists, the turncoats. What makes it officially valid and viable are the aggressor’s tools of communications to convey the defining repetitive hypnotizing treacheries in their natural conciliatory forms of unquestioned Divinatory sacred rules, to be Obeid by the true believers.
Where the believers should be thankful to Allah, and pray to Allah days and nights, for the mercy of bestowing a chosen Amir=a Prince of the believers to lead them into the right path of the righteous Muslim.
When in true sense of reality Morocco, its King, and its cruel police mafia, are void of compassion, civility, justice, and democratic values! The unfortunate Earthquake tragedy, as we have witnessed the large-vacant void service of its so called the Prince of the Believers?
His oppressive machine, the colonial setup and its logistic, or the man’s decision factor, nor the indicator conscience’s Bastard of his entourage of pedophile homosexuals’ assassins, vilest torturers- soodomists sons of Slaves at the service of sucking ass mafia. Tk7EaTMxULdb7zf_jrzY4PoZlGZBlbAJlojM4PvM572CRQFojgHsST45_NnubiJUtYn3bDvUDWCxPl3yyeCNVlC1vqqgYoPssgIZTGj7jI9rk/s507/F5sXpNhaUAEt-LE.jpeg" style="display: block; padding: 1em 0; text-align: center; ">
Still absent from the Earthquake’s theater, where the agonizing poor neglected victims, my Berber people, are leveled with the dust, stoned, and agonizing continuing to suffer under a savage brutal heinous occupation by a race of sadistic cruel Satanists, Mkhaznis, French foot soldiers, the imported slaves of Boukhari!!
My Berbers people are left to suffer in the dark of the hours after the Earthquake! Neglected by the illegitimate French colonial corrupt criminal prostitutes.
The pretending Sacred-Holey-Saints.
The Jewish family “ Al le3lej.” And their slave’s progenitor’s cruel racists criminals.
Confusing our conscience, lying to us, oppressing the mind, prostituting the young, the child, and the hungry, they lie, they deceive you with more lies, a nonstop game of lies, to no end they will continue to lie.. The slavers, the Satanists will lie, a brothel in darkness.
Their menageries, the corrupt parliamentarians the rubberstamps cowards, the handpicked judiciary system, economy, and the rest of what makes Morocco hell on Eart, are nothing but pure sadists racists criminal’s accomplices in cohort, absurd criminality with the Draconian totalitarian schemers dictator despot Mohamed6 the criminal slaver head of a tyrannical assassins.
In conclusion, the blame should be shouldered by all!
By, Mr. Richard Ben Azzouz. The Elected Republican President.

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